Can we get a new Mod for this section? (Let the people decide)

Is Liquid an adequate Mod?

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All Star
Resting in Peace
May 3, 2012
Man shut the hell up y'all xbots mad soft. Especially @Smooth3d and @MeachTheMonster with they crybaby asses. nikkas ready to pout whenever someone merely questions them. It's always the SAME 3-4 nikkas crying about the mods(well ONE mod). :smh:
You shut the hell up. Nobody is crying, Just voicing our opinions. Nobody has a issues with questions but the shyt yall do sometimes is crazy.


May 6, 2012
You shut the hell up. Nobody is crying, Just voicing our opinions. Nobody has a issues with questions but the shyt yall do sometimes is crazy.
Says the guy who continuously makes thread after thread posting up to date info on M$ latest shenanigans and then gets butthurt whenever posters simply question the info.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Spoken like a man who can't mod his own threads :bryan:
Only a mod could mod a thread, so your comment like most of them makes zero sense
The poll needs to be fixed, But yes I believe @Liquid is not a good mod. I have nothing against him personally. But he should be an example and be fair and not show his obvious bias on certain subjects . He should not allow personal attacks in the arcadium.
The poll is straight, because I already know this forum is not the place for this type of discussion.
A normal poll, and getting straight to the point type of thread I've done before. You know what happens?
Liquid or possibly another mod from this section deletes it, and I mean immediately. So you gotta do things in a round about way :manny: Making option #1 what it should say could have been the difference from this thread being deleted, or it being stickied :leon: (playing chess over here)
As for the personal attacks, I don't think it should be eliminated completely. It just needs to be in moderation.
For instance, If I were to attack one of the many 3cepts on this board. THEY KNOW ITS IN GOOD FUN.
I'll tell Rekka he's softer than babyshyt. Chris wants to be down so bad, so I thru him a bone here n there.
But then it'll be the non-regulars who only come here to personally insult members that is offputting.
And what bothers me is I'll watch Liquid encourage it, Chewy would do the same thing. Constantly using my name, but made his infamous "Courtdog you dumb son of a bytch thread" when I got tired of it and started using his name. All of that, this, and tommorows whatever could have been avoided if they were to do there jobs. COURTDOG'S KETTLE is something I'd expect King Sun to come up with, not the actual acting Mods :wow:
Same shyt happened with the Mattress on SOHH. only thing posted was hate. Then it went past "fukkery" and people wanted to get my info, family members pictures/etc. Thats not fukkery, thats something else. @Liquid acts like he doesn't encourage those types to act out. I've seen some of them post random stuff on this site. They know who they are, and I can have them banned at anytime. I'd rather just have the mods do there jobs instead :manny: Maybe one day...
@Liquid you made it homie, you didn't mod for real until people start asking for your just joined me @MMSex and @Keith Harrow at the table :salute:
Its not the same hate bruh, Liquid really is just not very good. And that takes effort.
WTF does a mod have to do but breathe, and if people get out of hand, handle that.
You really gotta go out your way for the community to question your skillz. And he does that consistently
I like a mod that mixes it up with the people, but I don't like a Mod who allows the people to basically ruin every thread in the section.
I'm not mad at Liquid for what he says, I'm not annoyed at his comments. I don't want an overhaul
He allows people who go to far to do so, that needs to change. Thats what this is about.
You wouldn't have that face if nikkaz was posting pictures of RekkaJr. lookin like :cool:
The type of personal attacks he was referring to are the ones that don't belong bruh
Because some of you guys will then take it that far, thats not what made the rec room great
The Rec Room was great waaaay before everyone else started wanting to get on, you know what I'm talking about since you was part of that movement bruh.
This nikka always complaining man :snoop:
If anyone wants to do a forum search, you will find Jutt isn't a regular around here. So if he voted he probably voted for lol, didn't read...
Id be like that any time Id be endorsed by courtdog. Id look back and ask what I did wrong in my posting life :pachaha:
Well, I also endorse conversation without fanboyism :hula: God :hula: common decency towards each other in this community. Even this thread, if you was capable of reading you'd see I even endorsed Liquid
But the reality is the majority of you are too immature and ignorant to see that. This isn't my wake up call, its yours. But keep sleepin :yawn:


cruising at 30,000
May 1, 2012
the best coast
The poll needs to be fixed, But yes I believe @Liquid is not a good mod. I have nothing against him personally. But he should be an example and be fair and not show his obvious bias on certain subjects . He should not allow personal attacks in the arcadium.

has he banned u from a thread or this subforum? if not, fukk are you complaining for? :pacspit:

if he's out here banning people thats different, but mods are free to have opinions


May 1, 2012
You wouldn't have that face if nikkaz was posting pictures of RekkaJr. lookin like :cool:

postin pics of my son in shades would be corny. :yeshrug:

what I gave the :wtf: look was for nikkaz acting like they are above personal attacks ( @Smooth3d ). Callin someone a fakkit is a personal attack technically. :manny:

If you wanna get rid of Liquid, continue with your agenda. But unless he did something really outrageous (and let's not forget that you don't have the greatest relationship with the mods or owners on here as well :ld: ), he's not going anywhere.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Says the guy who continuously makes thread after thread posting up to date info on M$ latest shenanigans and then gets butthurt whenever posters simply question the info.
Lardass, it would be best if you shut the fukk up before I have that spanish dude who was about to whoop your ass come back over there and finish the job :gladbron:

Can I show you what the problem is? Can you look at it objectively?
You see the underlined? Let me show/tell you how you are a contradiction.
In that thread made by a known troll Kuhuka dksh dolsdh whatever the fukk his name is.
He talked about how Forza looked underwhelming to him. I questioned him because everywhere else has said the opposite. Everyone on this site who seen it has said the opposite. So I questioned it.
What happened next? About 10pgs of "Oh, you mad... he mad.... why you so mad bruh"

So from my non biased stance, its obvious there are plenty of biased posters here. People with favorites.
But in my case, I spit real shyt. I wasn't trolling when I would post pics of superman flying all thru GTA4
I wasn't trolling when I made the thread saying if you get GTA5 on PS3 you'll be sorry
I wasn't trolling when I said "What is happening with PSN"
I wasn't trolling when I post links/video showcasing how BF4 uses DX11.1 and will be better optimized on XB1

You are the guys who can't handle the topic, let alone the truth. PS4 can barely do DX11.0 but thats another topic for another thread. Lets just stop the overdoing it so this place can for once have meaningful conversations about the topics we all seem to care about :handshake:
That doesn't mean there will be no forms of fukkery whatsoever. But don't we all agree its too much?
Why do I feel like I'm speaking a foreign language :beli:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
If you wanna get rid of Liquid, continue with your agenda. But unless he did something really outrageous (and let's not forget that you don't have the greatest relationship with the mods or owners on here as well :ld: ), he's not going anywhere.
Sadly, most will only get what Rekka said out of this. That this is a witchhunt on Liquid and its part of an agenda :smh:
Its clearly not that, this isn't the event staff section. But your too stuck on fukkboi status to see that :shaq2:
has he banned u from a thread or this subforum? if not, fukk are you complaining for? :pacspit:

if he's out here banning people thats different, but mods are free to have opinions
I've been banned not by this section. But they made it where I could only make 3 threads a day which was funny because I don't make that many threads and didn't know I had that restriction on me for like 6months :heh:
Then I was banned from a couple OF MY OWN THREADS while it was just mostly non regulars posting hateful shyt about me. Then asking "how come PS4 won't show his face"
That would be an example I'd use if my "agenda" was to get him tossed. I'd rather things go smooth and fair.
If that is not an option, I'd just spend more time on the other sites I now frequent because of this
The "xbot" population has shrunk on here, and its not because of Xbox :stop:


May 1, 2012
Sadly, most will only get what Rekka said out of this. That this is a witchhunt on Liquid and its part of an agenda :smh:
Its clearly not that, this isn't the event staff section. But your too stuck on fukkboi status to see that :shaq2:

What I was trying to say in a nice way is that no one takes you seriously so this thread is worthless :manny:

Liquid would have to do something heinous to lose his position so.....