Can someone tell me exactly what GTA 5 Improved on?


Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs
Based on the knowledge we have so far(less than 2 weeks from release date)

Basically the same, hell they're a little worse to me because of how cartoony they are. On some saints row shyt. I prefer gta 4s graphics honestly.


Typical GTA gameplay. Nothing has changed. Every release Cacstar likes to hype up some minuscule new features that no one really even notices or cares about during the gameplay. They always hype up the "new and improved pedestrian AI" but its never anything special, or even noteworthy when you're playing the game.


The whole story line revolves around some old cac thinking of bank heist while watching old mafia movies. O yea, and of course his boy, the token black character trying to find his way out the hood :snoop:


Like every GTA release, Cacstar claims that the new game will be 5xs as large as the previous city, and can fit all the other cities inside of it :rudy:
I'd honestly like to see this. yes Rockstar, show us how Los Santos is going to be bigger than San Andreas, Red Dead Redemption AND gta 4 Liberty City Stories all at the same time :duck:

5 years since the last GTA game and we still only get a maximum of 16 players per lobby? :what:
What's the point of having crews if you can't even fit them all in the same lobby :why:

Basically, what I'm saying is, the game is overhyped already, and is not going to be THAT good. The ONLY reason we're checking for the game, is because we want San Andreas back.


carti stan
Mar 25, 2013
San Junipero
I'll take your word for it :ehh:

I mean so far what we've seen in the videos everything looks so much more fluid and smooth. I'll take a complete re-release of GTA 4 if they could improve on that. I think the main appeal is the fact that it's online and seems to have the same freedom as the single-player version of it.


Feb 9, 2013
Lmao at saying the graphics haven't improved

Watch some GTA IV gameplay quickly followed by any GTA V footage and get back to me

And they ain't increase the player count because they focused on what you could do with those players

You want a shytload of people online in a city? Play an MMO.


cruising at 30,000
May 1, 2012
the best coast
Based on the knowledge we have so far(less than 2 weeks from release date)

Basically the same, hell they're a little worse to me because of how cartoony they are. On some saints row shyt. I prefer gta 4s graphics honestly.

even if they're marginally better thats a step up. the graphics on gta 4 were really good so i dont see the problem.


Typical GTA gameplay. Nothing has changed. Every release Cacstar likes to hype up some minuscule new features that no one really even notices or cares about during the gameplay. They always hype up the "new and improved pedestrian AI" but its never anything special, or even noteworthy when you're playing the game.

how you gonna just brush over the fact that it has MORE car customization than midnight club, improved shooting/movement mechanics than any other GTA, a full tennis and golf game and you can customize your guns to the maximum (colors, attachments, power, gauge). also you have the ability to buy and customize planes, trade stocks, own businesses and manipulate them for your stocks, buy and sell homes, and the fact that there are 3 interactive characters with their own mannerisms and skills. theres probably more im forgetting. seems like a HUGE improvement to me.


The whole story line revolves around some old cac thinking of bank heist while watching old mafia movies. O yea, and of course his boy, the token black character trying to find his way out the hood :snoop:

ok quentin tarantino you make a better storyline. they made a story that encompasses 3 main characters, what more can you ask for? :why:


Like every GTA release, Cacstar claims that the new game will be 5xs as large as the previous city, and can fit all the other cities inside of it :rudy:
I'd honestly like to see this. yes Rockstar, show us how Los Santos is going to be bigger than San Andreas, Red Dead Redemption AND gta 4 Liberty City Stories all at the same time :duck:

yeah they just lied about the size :beli: and theres a fully functioning underwater environment

5 years since the last GTA game and we still only get a maximum of 16 players per lobby? :what:
What's the point of having crews if you can't even fit them all in the same lobby :why:

:snoop: now you're just nitpicking. imagine having 50 nikkas in a lobby all talking over each other tryna do a heist. 16 player is big enough, maybe even too much to plan effectively.

Basically, what I'm saying is, the game is overhyped already, and is not going to be THAT good. The ONLY reason we're checking for the game, is because we want San Andreas back.

basically what im saying is shut the fukk up and stop bytching. you damn well know this game is gonna be classic and i dare you to refute any point i made.


Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs
basically what im saying is shut the fukk up and stop bytching. you damn well know this game is gonna be classic and i dare you to refute any point i made.
1.) Ok, I feel you on the graphics, you're right.

2.) For one, we have to actualy play the game before we claim it has improved shooting and all that other bullshyt. More car customization seems cool tho, something we all wanted back. But breh, you seriously naming golf and tennis mini games? :heh: no one is buying gta 5 to play tiger woods pga tour.. As far as the stocks and the other shyt..Im not impressed. On paper it sounds cool, but alot of shyt in in GTA 4 sounded cool on paper, but in game it got boring pretty fast. Example, being able to use the internet and search for you and your friends names in police database in gta 4. It seemed cool, when we heard about it, but when you actually did it, its :yeshrug:

3.) What more can I ask for? Lol, you dont want the answer to that , friend...

4.) Breh, I don't give a fukk about no damn underwater world, df is this bioshock? :heh:

5.) Breh, 16 people is NOT enough, especially with the new crew feature added. According to Rockstar this is the largest world of any game they have released, by far. We shouldn't be limited to the same amount of people per match as GTA 4, a game that came out like 6 years ago.
On top of that, they're promoting the online world as some sort of MMO. What MMO only host 16 people breh :beli:


Jun 8, 2012


Like every GTA release, Cacstar claims that the new game will be 5xs as large as the previous city, and can fit all the other cities inside of it :rudy:
I'd honestly like to see this. yes Rockstar, show us how Los Santos is going to be bigger than San Andreas, Red Dead Redemption AND gta 4 Liberty City Stories all at the same time :duck:

ok, i'll bite.

you ask about size. you said show it to you. you will have to find that FIB video that was posted in the other thread around page 267 or so. i went back and i noticed the video must have been taken down from whoever site it was on. thats the 2nd time they have taken that exact video down. if you havent seen it. its one of those GTA 5 tv shows you can watch in the game. the fIB guy is taking a trip thru los santos. showing places all over the city.

the fact from one angle i could see a lot of city but they were at the docks(more or less san pedro/long beach in real life). tells me this game is HUGE.

the fact that from another angle i could see a ton of the city from downtown and all the way south, towards the above docks i spoke of. tells me this game is HUUUGGGGGE. now the fact i've seen in screen shots that shows their more room behind the vinewood sign akak hollywood sign. shows me this game is HUUUUUGGGGE> because that means they have included burbank etc.

the freeways look ridiculous, just like it does in real life. oh i still have said nothing about going under water. how deep you can go or how far you can go. and yes there are things below the water.

gta 4 was big too. big in a different way. not spread out like the first gta SA. but more compacted like new york is in real life. more compact means you can walk into more buildings this time. you can now walk up flights of stairs. where as you could not do that before. that area that you can now walk INTO and thru. counts as far as SIZE. thats why rockstar has never lied to us about how BIG a game is or will be.

look in the distance in each of these photos.






^^look out that window. do you see all that city? that is HUUUGE.


^^^ thats a very realistic view from there. i would know i live around this exact area. and for the draw distance to look similar to the real life EYE distance that i see when i'm over there. means the game is HUUUUGE.


lol at the graphics aint no better. ^^^griffith park observatory in gta 5, the real thing below.
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Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs

Doesnt look any bigger than gta 4 breh.
Note im talking about the CITY. I dont give a damn about the countryside.

With that being said...

Most of the map(well over 50%) isnt even the city of Los Santos, its the countryside.
Sorry, but Rockstar couldve done more.


cruising at 30,000
May 1, 2012
the best coast
1.) Ok, I feel you on the graphics, you're right.

2.) For one, we have to actualy play the game before we claim it has improved shooting and all that other bullshyt. More car customization seems cool tho, something we all wanted back. But breh, you seriously naming golf and tennis mini games? :heh: no one is buying gta 5 to play tiger woods pga tour.. As far as the stocks and the other shyt..Im not impressed. On paper it sounds cool, but alot of shyt in in GTA 4 sounded cool on paper, but in game it got boring pretty fast. Example, being able to use the internet and search for you and your friends names in police database in gta 4. It seemed cool, when we heard about it, but when you actually did it, its :yeshrug:

3.) What more can I ask for? Lol, you dont want the answer to that , friend...

4.) Breh, I don't give a fukk about no damn underwater world, df is this bioshock? :heh:

5.) Breh, 16 people is NOT enough, especially with the new crew feature added. According to Rockstar this is the largest world of any game they have released, by far. We shouldn't be limited to the same amount of people per match as GTA 4, a game that came out like 6 years ago.
On top of that, they're promoting the online world as some sort of MMO. What MMO only host 16 people breh :beli:

2. i like tiger woods and virtua tennis so those will be fun for me :yeshrug: ok the stocks thing could get old. but car, gun and plane customization will be fun. i forgot about the apartment too, making a unique apartment should be fun. and gta is about killing people. thats not going anywhere so going on rampages in a huge city with a improved police responses will always be there. the police sucked in gta 4, and los santos pd will be much more realistic.

3. i dont know what that means so ill take it as you're fine with the story

4. the map is big as fukk, idk what else to tell u

5. when it releases on pc they might add more than 16 players but you're still working on current gen systems. possibly when gta online releases next gen more than 16 players will be possible. size of the map has nothing to do with how many people can be in a lobby. i dont know where you're seeing them promote it as a mmo, they said 16 players from the jump.