Lukac is just Houston Harden all over again.... Dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble... dribble, dribble, iso. Dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble... dribble, dribble pick and roll. Dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble... dribble, dribble step back 3. Dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble... dribble, dribble pass to a 3pt shooter.
look at this shyt

him and Harden are both horrible defenders and always been too. And they dribble the shyt out the ball on offense. But its good for bringing up your PPG, RPG, APG averages and tricking dumb fans who don't watch and analyze the game at a high level. School of Russ, Harden, first Cavs run LeBron dominating the ball without playing defense. When it works you get all the credit because of the numbers. When it dont all your teammates will get blamed... Like we aint seen Dallas 2-1 against Utah without Luka with Brunson lookin like Hornets CP3
I will give this to Luka though... He better in playoff than Harden. They alot alike but Luka posts nikkas up. Little nikkas he gettin that mismatch and sonnin em and he got some midrange game and even a lil fade to his bag. Harden aint have that so it was easier to guard him in playoffs. He was alot just layups, free throws and step back 3s and we seein how that limited skillset doin him now as his first step aint what it used to be to blow by nikkas or have that hesi threat to create space. Luka more versatile and less predictable. But overall its the same formula and aint winnin shyt even if he got more talent around him if he continues playin like this that style of basketball aint leadin to a chip