If you ask ten people in the street "what was Kevin Hart's first movie?", nine will say The 40-Year-Old Virgin and one will say Soul Plane; Kevin Hart himself doesn't even remember Paper Soldiers, only good thing that came out of that movie was this
If you ask ten people in the street "what was Kevin Hart's first movie?", nine will say The 40-Year-Old Virgin and one will say Soul Plane; Kevin Hart himself doesn't even remember Paper Soldiers, only good thing that came out of that movie was this
It is amazing how people refuses a simple advice like to put their money in a simple S&P 500 index. I did it and never looked back. You are basically betting on United States business dynamism, the best in the world. Most business ventures fail, but some rich folks feel that they have TO DO SOMETHING complicated. Obviously you can’t have some risky ventures, but I recommend the S&P 500 index.
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