I know this has been said an infinite amount of times, but youre without a doubt the dumbest, most annoying poster on this entire website.
yeah homie jay ain't no slouch neither is biggie
but i just feel lyrically cam is much nicer with the bars like in terms of
rhyme schemes metaphors wordplay punchlines etc.
I know this has been said an infinite amount of times, but youre without a doubt the dumbest, most annoying poster on this entire website.
Yeah I think Cam is nice
Have you ever heard they lyrics on Kingdom Come or Blueprint 3?
That's some other level, you know?
says the guy with pokemon avatar u don't even respect yourself self so why should i respect u.
u can make a case for 1996 - 2003 jay-z but not for 2006-2012 jay
well, no one respects you or your threads
u can make a case for 1996 - 2003 jay-z but not for 2006-2012 jay
well how ironic u don't even respect your damm self
so why should i respect u because if u did respect yourself
u would'nt troll alot and post bullshyt.
so respecting yourself equals posting bout multis
Jays lyrical, have you read his lyrics?
the word play, the doubles, rhyme patterns
Jay talks about real stuff too
Cam's always trying to one up Jay or something
Cam's got one of the best deliveries though