Nah, them track chicks is usually good about staying in shape even after their careers are over. My homegirl ran at Villanova. She may have put on 10 lbs since her last race and she barely works outits a good thing she knows how to stay in shape.
otherwise, shes going to fall off by the time she hits her late 20s.
Yall really have to learn to stop gassing up these average broads mane. Command more from these females, more than simply being genetically blessed.
UAH too breh lowkey
Nah, it was basically a story about the one I let get away type tale. Was messing with a chick who was there for grad school. Helping her move from either Council or Knight, can't remember, but my gawd the level of thickness walking thru them hallwaysGot caught staring a bit too much but it was more to the break up than that......I miss her so much breh
She ended up marrying some cornball ass nikka who went to UAH. Just to twist the knife a lil deeper, hadn't heard from her in a few yrs but she made sure to email me pics of the WEDDINGS (all paid for by her pops who's a auburn booster) they had in Trinidad AND Vegas. Should've been me fam. Should've been me.
What you know bout them holy-rolly Adventist undercover freaks from Oakwood tho? :starbucks:
son...Nah, it was basically a story about the one I let get away type tale. Was messing with a chick who was there for grad school. Helping her move from either Council or Knight, can't remember, but my gawd the level of thickness walking thru them hallwaysGot caught staring a bit too much but it was more to the break up than that......I miss her so much breh
She ended up marrying some cornball ass nikka who went to UAH. Just to twist the knife a lil deeper, hadn't heard from her in a few yrs but she made sure to email me pics of the WEDDINGS (all paid for by her pops who's a auburn booster) they had in Trinidad AND Vegas. Should've been me fam. Should've been me.
Quote from simp:lol look at that chick…think about the amount of simps in the game….look at the comments on her vids
dudes are coming out of pocket early
U love me or nah? u don't have to answer. U should really block me. I'm childish
lol look at that chick…think about the amount of simps in the game….look at the comments on her vids
dudes are coming out of pocket early