The past couple days they've been dropping me solo in quads matches. I think real reason is that when running with randoms, sometimes they g
ive us just 2 or 3 and I dropped those matches. I guess they got fed up with that. I do real well in situations where im I swear I last longer(pause) by myself than with a group of randoms. I finally figured out how to record...just for 2mins tho.
@DPresidential how do you record full games? I got a clip of the only match i dropped in solo and decided to actually play. It starts 30 seconds into it. I already had gotten a kill. What bugged me in the end was the damn RPG killing me. I ended up winning my gulag and killed 2 of the 4 people in the squad i landed on for a total of 9 kills in
a short lived match