So I played my 1st plunder and its just like I thought. While this map is bigger than Blackout...theres a huge influx of buildings and hiding locations which is why the lobbies are so sniper heavy. I honestly feel that the only way you can pick up 2 primarys is if you are truly running overkill. It will balance the game out and make all these snipers really think about using that class.
To add on...quads was not the direction they should've went. It gives organised squads even more of an advantage vs those playing with randoms. The level of tactics that you can use with an additional person is crazy. They should've introduced duos instead
So my 1st game i just played was with randoms. 1 fukking idiot was at one point just driving around us as we were running from building to building in a humvee, Like, just doing it for the fukk of it. So I took a c4 I had and blew that shyt up
We ended up in the final circle, 3 of us, vs a squad of 4, one of 2 and a solo person. Nobody had mics in the game outside of me so it ended quick cause these fukks wouldnt communicate
im gonna be on a lil bit longer, anyone trying to run some