One child policy is retarded. Low birth rates are the undoing of Japan and already proving to be problematic for China.50% were white.
anyways, I'm an advocate for eugenics and the one child policy in america.
In before the cry babies.
actually, china isn't having a problem at all. I live here. They have a serious work force, they NEEDED to have a one child policy. They went from 400 million to 2 billion in 10 years, imagine if the U.S magically has 2 billion, does that mean people are contributing to the work force or using social programs? I don't think you can imagine how doubling your population in a decade is alarming. The one child policy was mandatory or they'd have had a disaster present day. Present day, China doesn't even have a one child policy anymore (they do but there's ways around it now), I know a handful of people with more than 1 child. IF you decide to have a second child, you have to pay a tax, think of it as being charged $4,000 to have a child. This is brilliant because it insures that if you can afford to pay the tax, you can afford the child. No one in the middle class ever complain about the tax, they understand what it's for. If you can not afford the tax (which goes to pension programs btw), you shouldn't be having a second child who would then be depended on the state. THIS is how you keep your population self reliant instead of having too many people on social programs. The U.S is doing the total opposite. They reward poor families having children, and that leads to a disaster, but that's another thread. You have more and more people jumping on social programsi, kicking out children for a pay check and less and less people in the work force, take into account outsourcing and you have people abusing the social programs beyond its means, now you've got congress cutting it's budget, which effects those that really need it, ring a bell?One child policy is retarded. Low birth rates are the undoing of Japan and already proving to be problematic for China.
Plus with the baby boomers retiring if anything we could have used more young people to cover their debts and social programs.
But way to pre-emptively discredit anyone who sees through your blatantly flawed plans
50% were white.
anyways, I'm an advocate for eugenics and the one child policy in america.
In before the cry babies.
That's being bias and ignorant. In one line you say don't use any chinese model while in the second line saying you'd rather limit the amount of kids unemployed and welfare users have..which is um...the chinese model in a nutshell. but I guess it's not your fault, you're trained to think anything chinese is bad.I don't want to live under any model China places under it's citizens.
I think a better option is to limit how many kids unemployed or welfare users can have. Hell, I don't even care that they do this eugenics shyt on prisoners There's no need to put that nazi shyt on people who have their shyt together.
the chinese birthrate isnt low AT ALL. how the fukk can 2 billion people have a low birth rate even if they had a 20% decline in births they'd still be having enough children to support their work force. They shouldn't even have 2 billion people, they should have half the population. what do you think the one child policy was for? to FORCE a decline on purpose. They went overboard and now they're trying their hardest to scale back.America's demographic problems go beyond incentivizing kids, though I agree that that is kind of a stupid policy.
But let's not pretend like China's demographics aren't all fukked up.
China's One-Child Change Doesn't Avert Demographic Collapse - Forbes
You being there doesn't change the facts. China's birth rate is stupid low and well under the replacement rate.... the people in the 20-50 age bracket outnumber the kids from age 15 and below by damn near double. What do you think will happen when that outnumbered 0-15 age slice is in the working force, and that 20-50 age bracket can't work anymore/starts retiring?
That's being bias and ignorant. In one line you say don't use any chinese model while in the second line saying you'd rather limit the amount of kids unemployed and welfare users have..which is um...the chinese model in a nutshell. but I guess it's not your fault, you're trained to think anything chinese is bad.
The chinese model is an indirect way of keeping the improvished and poor from breeding like rabbits, while promoting those equipped to take care of their children by paying a tax which will then go to the childs pension/retirement.
The chinese model isn't nazism at all. The nazis selectively sterilized those that didn't fall under a racial model, aryan. I don't know what that has to do with the chinese model.
The birth rate in China is ~1.4. You need ~2.1 to maintain a population. It's been low for a minute too as shown by the graph. There's 2 billion people NOW, but that number will shrink, and the average age of the people in China will continue to increase. This is bad because young people drive economies and growth. And the male/female problem only makes it worse.the chinese birthrate isnt low AT ALL. how the fukk can 2 billion people have a low birth rate even if they had a 20% decline in births they'd still be having enough children to support their work force. They shouldn't even have 2 billion people, they should have half the population. what do you think the one child policy was for? to FORCE a decline on purpose. They went overboard and now they're trying their hardest to scale back.
as for the male/female ratio, its very exaggerated. but yes they have too many men, they're sorting it out, no model is perfect.
Nobody has adopted any country in their head, and I didn't know thinking a model of a country meant I thought I was them, I guess I think I'm Scandinavian for idolizing North Europes social programs right? I'm a ****** in 2 billion peoples eyes? who knew. Yet more ignorant generalization, something americans are very good at as they sit on top of Mt. Olympus. If the chinese view me as a ******, then I wonder what my own country views me as...whoops.You just said their model is for all citizens, you didn't' say it was only for unemployed and welfare people, many of whom abuse the system. And i'm not trained to think anything about China, so stop being so defensive about the country you've mentally adopted in your head but you'll never really be apart of it because you're a n***** in their eyes. Or have you forgotten that?
The Chinese have about 1.5 billion correct? So there's no need to replicate that model because we don't have the same overpopulation crisis that they do.
The nazi comment was hyperbole, but you know that they are some sticklers.
Yes, they INTENTIONALLY lowered their birthrate. I thought I said this already. They have more than enough young people based off the current decline to support their population. I swear is this a broken record. They could have 0.4 and still maintain. What they don't want is the 2.1 because that would be keeping the 2 billion mark afloat, something they most def do not want. They have a lot of people on their way out from the Mao days. That's actually who makes up a bulk of their current population.The birth rate in China is ~1.4. You need ~2.1 to maintain a population. It's been low for a minute too as shown by the graph. There's 2 billion people NOW, but that number will shrink, and the average age of the people in China will continue to increase. This is bad because young people drive economies and growth. And the male/female problem only makes it worse.
No, the birth rate is currently low and dropping. And they don't have enough people to support the future elderly population. ~550 million Chinese people will be entering retirement age in the next 40 years and the pool of people to support them is shrinking every year. It's a problem acknowledged by many experts. You have already shown yourself to not know what you're talking about... China's population is ~1.4B, and it took them ~60 years to go from 500M to that 1.4B. So you don't even know China's population or rate of growth. I'm not surprised you don't know it's birth rate or understand the implications of its birth rate having been, and forecasted to remain under 2.1 for decades. And this doesn't even factor in all of China's environmental issues. Anyone who thinks China is positioned to be some superpower doesn't know what's going on.Yes, they INTENTIONALLY lowered their birthrate. I thought I said this already. They have more than enough young people based off the current decline to support their population. I swear is this a broken record.