You never tested shyt. You have faith in things you have been taught. Most people have an explanation about earth being this or that. But they are unable to test by themselves the validity of those explanations. Why ? They don't have the skills or the tool. If someone ask me about the earth, I'll say it's round. Why ? That's what they taught me in school. I can read a book and understand the explanation. But it doesn't mean I've tested something. The explanation is based on data and I don't have the possibility to verify those data. Unless you have a deep knowledge of the subject and have access to raw data, your knowledge about those things is at least partially based on faith.
Plus, there is no forever established dogma in science. You just need one evidence for en entire system to fall apart.
This guy is not hurting anyone; like it or not, this is how science evolves.
Why a bunch of cats are catching feelings because someone is doing his OWN experimentation and trying to test the commonly accepted explanation. How is it wrong ? How is he going against "science". If he said, the earth is not like this because God told me and I don't need another explanation. It'll be different. But the guy is experimenting. How is he going against science. You must say he's going against the consensus among scientists and that's another thing.
I don't think scientific truth should remain untested because they have been proven thousands of times. This is not a scientific approach, it's a dogmatic one.