all living things that evolve in different environments look different. something about adaptation and evolving the traits that survive.
whites survival rate is so high that even weaker genes can keep getting passed down, that would not be allowed to survive without civilization.
that being said, we can't generalize hundreds of millions of people based on 2 photos. if i pick these two photos, is everything suddenly the opposite?
remember, black people are the mothers and fathers of every other race on earth, when you say other groups CANT have this or that attribute, you are speaking about YOUR own children.
the potential for EVERYTHING in us is WITHIN everyone else.
if you truly believe there aren't still plenty of white women with nice bodies walking around or hourglass shapes, or white men that you would need a lot of KY with, you are in for a rude awakening.
confirmation bias is very powerful. it makes you see examples that you want to be true, over and over and over, while ignoring all the times it isn't true at all.