Nah, he's always been this way.
He criticizes liberals for things they do so ppl assume he's MAGA.
If ur a functioning human there's no way you are solely a repub or a dem
people crutch on that. But, he never rails on conservatives the way he does liberals. For example there is a clip where he's shytting on Biden for Biden saying something about pilots landing during the revolutionary war. Just haha Biden is gone bullshyt. Then his producer shows him that Biden only said it because he was making a reference to Trump saying that exact crazy shyt. Then Rogan just kind of swalloed it and then pivoted to oh Trump had to just be joking blah blah blah. Mind you he had no problem riffing on Biden being gone.
He just constantly does that. The left is doing x crazy thing here's Rogan doing several episodes about it and then it turns out to be a bogus story. Then here's legit story like you know Republicans wanting to put the 10 Commandments in every classroom in LA. Or the OK Superintendent wanting to make the bible (the Trump bible at that) a core part of that states curriculum crickets from Rogan.
So if the shoe fits
Hell Kyle Kulinski was getting shelled by his audience for constantly downplaying Rogan like this. Until Rogan finally did the endorsement and now Kyles being going ham on Rogan. Rogan is just trying to do the "libertarian" thing that young conservative leaning CAC's do in college and post college when they don't want to admit they are republican a$$holes. Just own it.