transgendered people, (if they exist), want to exist without having their identities question and being insulted and threatened for the way they choose to self-identify.
this has nothing to do with any beef between trans people, because transgendered people refuse to accept the idea of transethnicity in the first place. whether or not transethnic people actually exist, it's hypocritical to dismiss the idea of transethnicity and believe that transgender is valid, if a male who doesn't know what being a woman feels like can say he feels like a woman and be accepted as such then there's no reason why a person who wasn't born a specific race and doesn't know what it feels like to be that race, can't claim to feel like that race and be accepted.
transethnic people, (if they exist), definitely have haters and people who do not want them to have a voice, kinda like what transgendered people deal with.
"we shouldn't allow this (to) continue, plain and simple"
such comments would be instantly condemned if made towards transgendered people.