Neo. The Only. The One.
that black people demand these folks make the same decisions when someone is harming our community. black folks aren't without blame as we are accepting of a lot of demeaning talk and music about our community, but we were also fundamentally blocked from owning and running the media companies that grew into the giants of today, so it would be on them to stand up and make these same moves when for every community
I dont do defeatist talk. We could do it if we would just do it. We could be owners too. It's just that many negroes are content being up under someone else instead of building something from the ground up and retaining ownership and keeping it in black hands. Robert Johnson and BET is a good example of this. So is Motown. We aren't blocked from doing anything. It's just that we aren't doing it.
And again, it would be foolish of me to expect Jewish people to have the same love and appreciation of black people that I have where they would be willing to defend me. They defend their own people. Just as we should defend ours.