He owns weather.com too and it's just about the most popular app and website there is. Caking off the ad revenue from that alone.
Rich women don’t marry poor men unless she’s black and he’s white. See Ahmad and Phylissa Rashad’s daughter, and the millionaire black cosmetic who was driven to suicide by her broke cac man and countless of othersHis daughters don’t look white though. Besides that, chances are they’ll be looking for men on the level of their father when they get older. That means dudes who’ve built a fortune or come from money. That eliminates most black people. Rich women don’t typically marry poor men. Not sure why it matters to us what his future grandchildren might look like anyway. There will be no denying that their grandfather is a black man.
Rich women don’t marry poor men unless she’s black and he’s white. See Ahmad and Phylissa Rashad’s daughter, the millionaire black cosmetic who was driven to suicide by her broke cac man and countless of others
No, there was a millionaire black businesswoman who was driven to suicide by her cac husband who robbed her to find his own beard business, changed the life insurance policy, AND alienated her own sister who was her business partner for that broke cac. There was a huge thread on it here.Condola Rashad committed suicide?
What about Jordan how come he doesn't get the same scrutiny?They're trying to increase future Caucasian wealth
Jordan has two black sonsWhat about Jordan how come he doesn't get the same scrutiny?
What about Jordan how come he doesn't get the same scrutiny?
He owns weather.com too and it's just about the most popular app and website there is. Caking off the ad revenue from that alone.
Oh I see. We're assuming his biracial daughter will marry a black man yes?Jordan has two black sons