The only thing that stunted his play was his knees.
He's just saying the Lakers offense will always be Kobe dominated which stunted his growth, not Kobe personally.
which stunted his growth
we need a bynumhair smilie
ESPN manufacturing beef! Bynum shouldn't even talk to the media because they seem like they are trolling him in almost every interview I see posted. I wish Demarcus Cousins would shyt on D Howard publicly though, we need more beef in the NBA (no homo).
Real talk, Im tired of "Hes a hell of a player, his game is multifaceted so my team helped slow him down a bit and we pulled out the W "
When someone gonna come out like " He has no left, hes weak as hell. All I had to do was force him left and didnt have to waste energy on D and toasted him on offense "