There are a lot of factors to this and not solely becsuse of WS. If bm were the primary targets from racism/WS, more so then be, shouldn't it marriages be LESS then they are with bw?
what tangible benefits do blacks get from marrying whites? black unemployment is sky high, mass incarceration, cops killing unarmed men, women, and children with impunity. we dont have access to wealth, can't get loans for housing or are subject to high interest rates... besides 70% of bm/ww marriage end in divorce. how many times you gonna ignore the facts?
whites get to satisfy their sexual curiosity while prolonging their recessive genes. ya'll are overlooking the genetic/biological factor of this issue. part of the reason whites allow blacks (by their laws in the 60s) to IR marry is because whites have trouble procreating. you can check the birth rates here and in europe to back that up. more are dying than being born plus they are already the global minority with recessive genes/epidemic melanoma
if you want to lay up with a neanderthal go for it fam. its 2016, you might not get lynched for it
i dont know why you're in here mad at people who dont engage in bestiality.