BW Admits her Biases against BM. (She admits to holding them to a higher standard than cacs), Her REALIZATION came AFTER…


D-Block General
Mar 11, 2022
Above The Clouds
Had a baby by a Mexican man now running to Black men as a single mother? :camby:
The worse part is that the kid will be counted as black statistically like all the other cac mattresses

U know don't know if it is just me but I noticed the bw I nyc act extra thirsty for wm

Feminist institutions in major metropolitan areas aren’t teaching Racial Matters, The Prince, or anything about ideological subversion (probably because their intent is subversion), they’re teaching Bell Hooks. Some of these Gen Z and Millennial black women are being taught that BM are the devil that oppresses them. They subscribe to the gaps mentality because the lack a clear understanding of black history and racial pride.


Jan 31, 2014
I really hate to quote all these posts, but this thread needs some clarity. This aint "nyc bytches." This is non fba bytches whose parents brought them to nyc.

Canarsie is majority west indian. Pop smoke was from there. Until the late 80s, it was racist ass northern crackers who burned down OUR houses, but somehow saw fit to sell theirs to west indians. Eny and brownsville are traditionally majority fba, though thats changed in recent times. This is why "they wanna separate" themselves. (Demographic receipts in spoiler, dont fukking play with me)

"Bw" in nyc aint extra thirsty fow wm, thats foreigners. Her accent is clearly foreign with an attempted valley girl overlay and she got on a divestor wig. Come on now.

I know its confusing for non nyers but dont let these non fba nyers posting in here lead you into believing falsehoods about your cousins.

During the 1990s, much of Canarsie's white population left for the suburbs as part of a national phenomenon referred to as "white flight".[136] In the early 21st century, Canarsie's population is mostly black due to significant West Indian immigration in the area.

Brownsville attracted many immigrants from the Caribbean during the 1980s, especially from Jamaica, Guyana and Haiti, Grenada, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago. In the early twenty-
first century the population of Brownsville was largely African American
, with smaller groups of Latinos and West Indians.

Pdf from NYPL

During the 1960s, East New York transitioned from being predominately Jewish and Italian to being predominately African American and Puerto Rican. However, now East New York is more diversified, with large African American, Puerto Rican, Dominican, West Indian, and South Asian populations.[29]

My thoughts exactly with what I underlined in your comment. I didn't wanna just put that it out there & cause "division" but I'm sure she's not AA. And I'm from Brownsville and remember when Carnarsie was Polish lol. She definitely had preconceived notions about AA's & used that as a deflection to date out; it's mostly from non AA women unfortunately with this vids on the internet