what evidences ties him to physically murdering them? ive already said i believe he was on the scene and knows what happenedMan u trippin![]()
what evidences ties him to physically murdering them? ive already said i believe he was on the scene and knows what happenedMan u trippin![]()
Multiple 911 calls, police visits, photos of injuries …yeah I’d say that’s a history abuse.
He got 2000 yards in 14 games he did that shytSeriously anyone who still thinks he did that shyt never actually researched that case. No way 1 man did that shyt.
Far from cac bozo I just say it how it is … am not some delusional idiot like yourself have a good day …I also feel sorry for your mother darryl … she didnt raise someone intelligent enough to have a debate instead of resorting to insults shame on her and you now be gone@Bigsuk stick to talking shyt about tupac cac
Ok let me say some things and address some things …. as far as the gloves you do know 14 police officer only saw 1 glove at bundy before mark furman had arrived… so the was no second glove to plant at o.js house , Mike Gilbert told o.j to stop talking his arthritis medication which is why his hands swelled up hence why the didn’t fit …… oj told Mike Gilbert he did it in his back yard …then he confessed to Rosie Grier in jail screaming and hollering he didn’t mean to do it … Rosie never visited oj again ….as far as the civil suit … that’s when oj couldn’t explain the Bruno Magli shoes breh ….. first he said the picture was a fake then another publisher came forward and produced 30 more pics from an actul buffalo bills magazine which proved the pictures were not fake , which made oj more guilty by lying about it been a fake or why he lied about wearing/owning the Bruno’s and in his deposition if you saw his face when they confronted him with said pictures that’s a man with the look of fear and caught in a lie ….. let me get 1 with straight when I said I studied the case … obviously not in real time when this was going down since I was a youngin but when I got older for a good few years …..mark furman would have to be a mind reader if he was supposedly gona frame or plant evidence agonist oj since he didn’t know if oj had an alibi or not ……..we can agree to disagree with this but once your blood is mixed in with the victims blood which it was in his bronco , at his home then am sorry it’s a simple as that he was the killer … guess is once she finally was done with him for good he had this attitude “if I can’t have you no one else will “ type shyt ….. n Ron Goldman either just walked on the scene when it was going down or oj thought Nicole and Ron were together n he snapped ….as far as Jonny goes … respect him , great lawyer , charismatic… but he played the majority of that jury … I mean he was the one who came up with changing ojs image up taking all the white people related things / photos which was a majority in ojs house to African artifacts , pictures of his black friends/family…. Why do that if he was so confident in his client ….. another thing btw you do know before Jonny took the case he thought oj was guilty and he thought the case was a “loser case “ …..after oj was acquitted and after the lavish party he threw I don’t think it’s a coincidence all his lawyers/defence minus f-Lee Bailey distanced themselfs from him … they knew he was guilty it was all for the paper ….as far as you just mentioned the Rodney king / la riots situation and hence why the majority none white jury might have been motivated to find him not guilty or 1 of many reasons why… I wasn’t gona mention that but since you brought it up …. That’s exactly what Carrie bass in fact did say … a older black women who was on the jury …. said when asked if that was 1 of the reasons n she said “ yeah maybe 90 % of us felt that way on the jury “ n when asked if that was right she just shrugged her shoulders that was in “made in American “ oj if you want to source for that ….. once you watch that full 4 + hour long amazing documentary it should be clear with anyone with common sense he did it ….Dude, I seriously doubt that you studied this case or even followed the actual trial.
Over the years I've notcied the same one-sided/biased reporting from the media. The same talking points from the same cast of characters.
You ever wonder why we hardly see anyone defending OJ's innocence and when we do they receive unfair treatment by the mainstream media?
We get the luxury of c.a.c.s pontificating their views and their visceral takes on the crime & trial. We get disrespectful shyt like...
The All Black Jury was too dumb to understand the scientific evidence
He only got off because of the all Black Jury was hypnotized by Johnny Cochran ties
The Black Jury wanted to avoid another Rodney King like riot
These are just a few of the dumb ass cac theories that they put in the air and u dummies just inhale it and blow it back out.
When you turn on that AC Infinity charcoal filter, none of their bullshyt makes sense. They dont want to talk the facts of the case, they just want to Juelz.
Throughout the whole trial Johnny kept saying... "It doesn't fit" He wasn't only talking about them gloves; He was saying that way before the gloves came into play. The prosecution wasnt solid enough because they had no real case. In the prelims Johnny knew the case was BS because of the phone records. imho he just played along and got his coin.
Anyway, to address the bolded. You do know that OJ didnt write that book. It was ghostwritten by Pablo Fenjves. Do you know the original title of the book before Fred Goldman changed it? He only agreed to do the book because Arnell talked him into it. OJ has always maintained his innocence and clearly stated in the interview that it was all hypothetical. Funny how ya'll ignore facts and go straight into your feelings.
ALOT of those jurors also believe that he was innocent. Let's be honest about it. the 2 or 3 jurors that became skeptical felt that way after the civil trial. During the criminal trial they all felt Reese Nibbled Out.
This …. Nicole was no angel that’s for sure …. But like you stated after you watch all of “‘made in America “ it’s more then obvious he did it … I mean he phoned up a magazine writer and said “let’s say I did commit this crime it would have to have been cause I loved her “ like wtf which sane , innocent person does thatBeen watching Made In America, the ESPN documentary…yeah, breh did that shyt.
Had a full ass history of beating her…”You weren’t thinking about the kids when you were sucking his dikk!!!!”
Ok let me say some things and address some things …. as far as the gloves you do know 14 police officer only saw 1 glove at bundy before mark furman had arrived… so the was no second glove to plant at o.js house , Mike Gilbert told o.j to stop talking his arthritis medication which is why his hands swelled up hence why the didn’t fit …… oj told Mike Gilbert he did it in his back yard …
So you really beileve there was just 1 picture of oj wearing them shoes and they were Bruno Magli shoes btw it’s clear as day ….go watch the bbc documentary on oj that came out in 2000s it’s on YouTube … you see the magazine open with the 30 pictures of oj the same day wearing them shoes …. What reason did mark furman or any other lapd officer have to frame oj ??? the lapd by alll acounts liked oj…. And let him off a few times when called by Nicole on some domestic shyt n did. Nothing about it …. Why all of a sudden do they want to frame him for 2 murders ??? …. Btw mark furman no doubt about it had racist tendencies at 1 point in his life but you do know he fought tooth n nail to get a black man off a life sentence or the death penalty….. Vincent buglios spoke on this in his long documentary on YouTube…. blood not strong enough ??? … it was about 1 in a billion chance that was ojs blood match again once ojs blood is mixed in with Ron and Nicole’s blood in his bronco and at home am sorry breh .. that’s the end of the line …. Another thing …. Why when oj was interviewed by Tom Lange and Philip vanetter did he not keep to that same story go back Listen what he said he couldn’t even keep to his own story ……so who killed them then if not oj ???? don’t tell me u beileve this nonesense about some drug dealers or ojs son Jason ??? …. Cause that’s the only other “theory’s “ out there ….. ojs whole actions reeked with guilt after …..n why didn’t he try to find the “real killers “ for his dead ex wife the mother of his kids ?? Seemed he was more interested in playing golf everyday then finding the person or persons who brutally nearly chopped the mother of his kids head off …. 1 day breh you gona have to face facts oj Simpson might be a likeable character or charismatic as some have described him but beyond that he’s a cold blooded murderer with no remorse what so ever …..ask yourself this... Why Would Furhman request/demand to have pictures taken of himself pointing out the glove around 4am? Especially if 14 officers already saw the glove. What was the purpose of doing so? He must've thought it was great detective work to point out something that 14 officers on the scene had already discovered.
He then told the photographer (Rolf Rokahr) not to take pics of anything else. Then an hour later he illegally hops over OJ's fence and conveniently finds the matching glove behind Kato's guesthouse. 2 questions, Why wasn't Kato handcuffed and treated like a suspect & Why did Furhman lie under oath, claiming that the photograph was taken after he found the glove at OJ's house?
Funny how the media doesn't mention anything about the blue police evidence bag found near OJ's property. Det. Tom Lange admitted in court to seeing a blue piece of plastic near the glove. (I'm not going to get in to the claim about the stick that was transported from the crime scene to Simpsons property).
Those gloves barely fit F. Lee Bailey hands when he tried them on. He knew they wouldn't fit OJ's hands. Funny how OJ's arthritis is only acknowledged when talking about the gloves. Ya'll conveniently cant explain why he struggled lifting up his 7 year old son earlier that evening but a few hours later he managed to take on a fit & healthy 25 year old 3rd Degree Dan Black Belt and walk away with no bruises.
You know who else couldn't explain the Bruno Mali shoes? The Photographers... Harry Scull. He Juelz'd his way in court. He claimed to have taken that photo and submitted to Pro Football Weekly about a week after he took it. However, the plaintiffs’ lawyers could not produce any evidence that the photo was sent to, or received by that publication. But Guess where that photo 1st popped up... In the tabloid newspaper The National Enquirer in April 1996, seven months after the criminal trial ended and five months before the civil trial began. Before this time, law enforcement, FBI and private entities had conducted a prolonged, nationwide search for photos that showed O.J. wearing Bruno Magli shoes, and they found no such photos.
To more fully determine the authenticity of the Scull photograph, the camera that took the photos would have to be examined. However, Scull first claimed he lost the camera, and then he said the camera had been stolen.
Another photographer (EJ Flammer) His photos of that day were not supposedly discovered until after questions had been raised about the discovery and authenticity of the Scull photograph. Flammer would not allow the defense to examine his negatives before he testified. Why not? If his photos were legitimate, why would he not allow the defense to examine the negatives?
Robert Groden a journeyman expert in hands on photo manipulation for the prior 26 years, was the only expert to turn in a perfect score on his test for consideration as an expert photo analyst for the House Select Committee on Assassinations formed in 1976. Despite allegations to the contrary, generally by plaintiff attorneys, Groden effectively raised doubt regarding the credibility of the Scull photos. However, Simpson’s lawyers, led by the team of Baker and Baker, apparently did not want to spend the money to attain the testimony of additional photo experts to back Groden up in his challenge of the Scull and Flammer photos.
Theres 1 photo with OJ taken in Buffalo that weekend with the Monday Quarterback’s Club members and OJ is wearing a pair of black loafers rounded at the toe, but certainly does not have the contoured appearance of the Italian made Bruno Maglis. I can go on & on about the shoes....
And you're lying, Johnny never thought OJ was guilty. Johnny called out Jeffery Tobin for being a liar and making that claim... And members of his defense team didnt distance themselves from OJ nor threw OJ under the bus afterwards.
You can find interviews on Youtube and various podcasts with Barry Scheck, Johnny & Carl Douglas. WTF are you talking about?! Mainstream Media would have you believing that, since you'd never get a fair and balanced view of the case. Please point me in the direction where Johhny stated that he felt like he represented a guilty man.
The blood evidence wasn't strong enough, the timeline made no sense, racist cop and there's proof of a cover-up. Say it with me...
Reese Nibbled Out!
This was my thought as well. How the fukk could he kill two people, one of them a karate expert who clearly fought for his life, defense wounds and all, and O.J. was clean without a scratch sans the left hand. Which btw, no one noticed on the flight, even the man who got his autograph and looked at O.J.s hands while he signed it.word is, he got that some where in chicago.
plenty of ppl saw him on the flight, shook his hand and shyt, and no one saw a cut or blood.
plus they stripped him naked and he didnt have 1 scratch on his body. like nothing. no first time killer is murdering 2 ppl in cold blood and not leaving with some type of marks. and they already said the white boy was fightin back and had defense wounds.
it's impossible, he didnt do it
answer me thisSo you really beileve there was just 1 picture of oj wearing them shoes and they were Bruno Magli shoes btw it’s clear as day ….go watch the bbc documentary on oj that came out in 2000s it’s on YouTube … you see the magazine open with the 30 pictures of oj the same day wearing them shoes …. What reason did mark furman or any other lapd officer have to frame oj ??? the lapd by alll acounts liked oj…. And let him off a few times when called by Nicole on some domestic shyt n did. Nothing about it …. Why all of a sudden do they want to frame him for 2 murders ??? …. Btw mark furman no doubt about it had racist tendencies at 1 point in his life but you do know he fought tooth n nail to get a black man off a life sentence or the death penalty….. Vincent buglios spoke on this in his long documentary on YouTube…. blood not strong enough ??? … it was about 1 in a billion chance that was ojs blood match again once ojs blood is mixed in with Ron and Nicole’s blood in his bronco and at home am sorry breh .. that’s the end of the line …. Another thing …. Why when oj was interviewed by Tom Lange and Philip vanetter did he not keep to that same story go back Listen what he said he couldn’t even keep to his own story ……so who killed them then if not oj ???? don’t tell me u beileve this nonesense about some drug dealers or ojs son Jason ??? …. Cause that’s the only other “theory’s “ out there ….. ojs whole actions reeked with guilt after …..n why didn’t he try to find the “real killers “ for his dead ex wife the mother of his kids ?? Seemed he was more interested in playing golf everyday then finding the person or persons who brutally nearly chopped the mother of his kids head off …. 1 day breh you gona have to face facts oj Simpson might be a likeable character or charismatic as some have described him but beyond that he’s a cold blooded murderer with no remorse what so ever …..
no if you go back in the threads bro I stated I beileve he may have had help off someone to get rid of the bloody clothes/murder weapon god knows who tho …. But as far as committing the actul crime I believe it was oj ….. what evidence… his blood mixed in with the Ron and Nicole’s blood at the crime scene, in his bronco , in his home breh lol … once that happens you explain to me how someone can be innocent….. if you truly believe lapd officers or mark furman planted evidence against oj then it’s no point debating with me breh … cause I think that was all bullshyt and lies to help get oj off ……oj had the motive aswell with his domestic abuse history n the way Nicole was killed that was personal as hell ……again breh it’s fine if you think this was some lapd cover up or drug dealers like Cochran thought it could be …. but as far as my opinion there isn’t 1 shred of anything that points away from oj doing these crimes and everything points to him soild evidence or not …….my guess is when he thought she was done with him for good he began looking at Nicole as some sort of object not a person no one with his obsessive ways and been driving over the edge n snapped on some jealous rage type shyt …. another thing oj 100 % has CTE I believe which might explain some of his actions it’s no coincidence a lot of these current /former athletes have this and have done crazy out the blue acts or Violence oj , Arron Hernandez ,chris benoit etc …. I guess we will find out if oj lets someone examine him after death to see what the damage was ….answer me this
where's the evidence he killed them?
the blood evidence proves he was on the scene.
and like i said, i believe he was there and knows what happened, but did not kill them
what proof is there that he physically killed them?
no marks on his body, no murder weapon, no nothing.
you think he just killed them in that capacity as a first time killer without making a noise and just dipped home, got rid of the weapon and hopped on a plane? lmao
you're acting like this nikka is rambo
his blood mixed in with the Ron and Nicole’s blood at the crime scene, in his bronco , in his home breh lol … once that happens you explain to me how someone can be innocen