Something incredible just happened.
I was driving down a street on the other side of town and as you would expect there are plenty of England flags flying. But as I drove, the wind caught a flag hanging from what quite frankly looked like an abandoned house, it swept beneath the flag and caused it to ripple and twirl, almost as if it were dancing. To see such profound beauty in such a derelict setting, to me, encapsulated the spirit of football, the people’s game. Whether you’re rich or poor, it doesn’t matter once the whistle blows.
As I pondered on this, a solitary tear escaped my eye and trickled down my cheek. I wasn’t alone in the car, so rather than be questioned about the tear I raised my arm to wipe it with my sleeve. I did so but as I returned it to the wheel I realised I was veering off the road and towards a lamppost, after that….just darkness.
But then a bright light hit my eyelids, I could feel its warmth, so I tentatively opened my eyes, it stung. What had happened? As my eyes slowly adjusted to the light I was shocked to find I was no longer in my car, I was lying in a field, had I really been flung from my car so far? I quickly checked my limbs and body for injury, but there was none, I was fine.
Just then I heard a voice in the distance, shouting for me. “My son” the voice said.
I turned to my right and saw a hill, behind the hill sat the sun, beating down upon the field. But something interrupted its beams, there was a man, cutting what could perhaps be called a portly silhouette.
I cleared my voice and returned his call “Who….who are you? Where am I?” I asked.
“Hush, child. For I have vewy divine messages to impart” he said with a gentle whisper, despite being several dozen feet away. Who was this man? And why couldn’t he say his R’s?
He continued, “You must go forth and spread my message unto the people, for they are tired and weary, and need hope.”
“Say unto the people this…”
“…beware tricksters dressed in blue, for they are unscrupulous of nature. Judas lies within them.”
Before he could continue I jumped in “What the hell is this?” but he ignored me and kept on with his message.
“Put trust in three lions adorned white. For they are brave, and they will slay the tricksters, they will roar for the people. And when the day comes, they will be joined by the knight who slay the dragon, and the whole world will bend knee to their glory.”
Before I could offer any retort or questions, the silhouette disappeared in to thin air and all that was left was the blinding sun.
Just then it intensified until it was white in my eyes. And the next thing I knew I was back in my car. My passenger looked dead, but I felt amazing, I felt as if I had St.George himself running through my veins. I got out of the car and walked away, to the shock of many bystanders who stood on their mobile phones to what I can only assume were ambulances.
I started running, to where I don’t know, I just ran. But when I got to the house draped in the England flag that caused my unfortunate crash, I stopped, drank in its image and whispered to myself “I will spread the message.”