The seperation between what's fake and what's real
the butt hurtWell atleast you know you're c00n. Negged.
the butt hurtWell atleast you know you're c00n. Negged.
"Thug Culture" is a very profitable and is promoted and romanticized by the entertainment industryHe's a racist scumbag but he's right about the thug culture part. Too many black folks embrace this kind of ignorance.
Im pretty sure they did blame Hollywood when it came to Italians and the Mafia movies. The difference is legit Italians did whatever they could to separate themselves from that image. We don't really do that. We got PHDs on tv calling themselves a hiphop professor while rhyming words in a regular ass conversation. We expect and except a level of lawlessness and criminal behavior in our community. Yes a lot of it is because we don't want to help a bunch of cops that will kill us at the drop of a dime and put our young brothers away in a fukked up system. But if that's the case we need to find an alternative not just let gangs and drugs completely take over like in cities like Baltimore.he's full of sh*t. So quik to blame 'thug culture' while ignoring 'hollywood culture'
He has decades in that community his perspective on it is more valuable then yours at this point breh. Shouldn't you at least take it at face value? Nit saying you have to agree but is there something in his record that shows he's not a professional?This is a "professional," in a position of authority, expressing his views, which lacks perspective, on a community he serves...unfortunately this description applies to other professions
Im pretty sure they did blame Hollywood when it came to Italians and the Mafia movies.
As soon as he did the African american Welsh thing I knew he was a delusional ass clown. To say america isn't racist is a crazy statement and then to back it up by naming a few individuals that were able to reach positions of power and notoriety as evidence is even more preposterous. Ignoring the disparities representation in these positions, and laws and hiring requirements that target specific groups and rule out others are worth mentioning. Racism is a game of subtlety now a days and that allows people to be cowards and fake about their true racist intentions and thoughts by being able to hide behind the image that racist must wear klu klux klan hoods and confederate flags jeans.
This is the first time you're not being a supremacist.... Thought you was 100% supremacists from stromfront....
But you still a cac with a history so
No. He is regurgitating the same over simplified analysis of an entire community, that he served for decades, that we've heard fromHe has decades in that community his perspective on it is more valuable then yours at this point breh. Shouldn't you at least take it at face value? Nit saying you have to agree but is there something in his record that shows he's not a professional?