I was thinking of making a thread in the locker room with them all but here's one about a rental car insurance y'all might like.
So the optional coverage you can get for your rental is actually pretty handy
You don't have to worry being responsible for any damages that may incur to the rental so long as you don't violate the contract(dui, racing, unauthorized driver, etc) and gives you peace of mind so you can enjoy yourself and not worry about the car. Some people however, don't like the fact that if nothing happens, they don't get some or all of their money back. Like, geico don't give you your monthly payment back if you don't wreck
Why assume the rental company would
Well one dude figured he was gone get his money's worth regardless of what happens. So in the wash area at the airport, there are tire spikes on side of the entrance ramp, to prevent people from driving out the wrong way I guess
Anywho, a car drives the front tires over the top of the entrance bump and stop. Then he starts backing up. Busts both front tires on the spikes
Cats that were back there working asked him what he do it for
He said he paid for the coverage and wanted to use it
He's now banned from renting as you can imagine... but he ain't pay for them tires