Please don't call me a u telling me when i watched the first season of parks and rec which was half the length of 99 and laughed my ass off and then watch 14 eps of brooklyn 99 and probably chuckled a couple of times, that they are the same show with the same characters?????
ur saying the captain is as funny as ron swanson and his assistant is as funny as april and anyone is as funny as andy dwyer in the dept? nikka please. the shyt isnt nearly as funny as parks and rec. and fukk anyone who dont find them community themed episodes the funniest shyt on tv.
Like I said, the characters from Parks and Rec are the DNA from which these new characters come from. IE: Jake has characteristics of Leslie, Rosa and April, Capt and Ron, Scully andJerry etc. No where did I say that they are the same characters. You not thinking they are as funny is not my problem however you're blind to see that Parks and B 99 are very similar shows.
My dislike of Community isn't a shot at you. I just dislike the hell out of that show. Characters, theme, execution and all.