Someone back there like "You next, Terry"No way Hoegan would fire her
Who went over his head?![]()

Writings on the wall be plain as hell

Someone back there like "You next, Terry"No way Hoegan would fire her
Who went over his head?![]()
Gotta wonder what she did to get fired
UPDATE: As noted earlier, Brooke Hogan has been released from TNA Wrestling. There were rumors in both the WWE and TNA locker-rooms over the past several days, especially on Thursday and Friday, that she had been released but we weren’t able to confirm it until today when TNA officials officially acknowledged it.
According to sources, the story making the rounds is that she was let go from the company on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. TNA officials are saying it’s due to “budget cuts” but others believe there is more to the story, especially with her father in the position he’s in with the company. Of course, there is always a chance that she’ll return down the line but as of now, she’s been released.
There was a “Brooke” tease by Bully Ray at the iMPACT! tapings last night but it turned out to be a swerve. You canclick here to read the iMPACT! **SPOILERS** for next week if you want to know what happens. They basically called Brooke Hogan ugly. It’s also interesting to note that Hulk Hogan hasn’t been seen for weeks on iMPACT!. Hmmm.
Always on twitter promoting it and shyt. Dixie not strong enough to get rid of HulkIf true I guess this means Hulk is on his way out too. When was the last time Hogan was on TV? A couple weeks now right?
Guess what wwe youtube uploaded TODAYIf true I guess this means Hulk is on his way out too. When was the last time Hogan was on TV? A couple weeks now right?
You probably exactly right about her mooching off her new football hubbyI think they were going to do the Bubba/Brooke McMahon/Helmsley thing, but then she got engaged and didn't want to do any of that shyt anymore.
Plus, she's engaged to a football player, so she's probably ready to be lazy and mooch like her piece of shyt mom.
Yeah, Tessmacher is going to be the new Aces & 8s whore and Robbie E gonna have to share that guhl.