Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
40 years old and won a mid card belt
leave Bobby Lashley and Jeff Hardy alone man
Yea we know they should be world champs but you know how that goes!
40 years old and won a mid card belt
you didnt like the promo after he won the TNT title? i dont think he's game changing or anything, but i enjoyed that promo especially when he said "goodbye to your indie nobodies..that shyt is over" or whatever he said.He has been terrible. He has negative charisma and cant cut a promo to save his life.
He has lost a step in the ring and his character makes no sense.
you didnt like the promo after he won the TNT title? i dont think he's game changing or anything, but i enjoyed that promo especially when he said "goodbye to your indie nobodies..that shyt is over" or whatever he said.
he's actually a pretty good actor from what i can see...especially on these segments the whole crew is damn near dying laughing and Brodie does not crack a smile for a split second and always plays his role 100% straight and i think that is dope personally.
he hasnt become The Rock, but he's having the most interesting run of his career. and that really just shows how shytty his career has been to this point.
Wtf Vince... This dude can cut a better promo than half the WWE roster and got a great voice.
Vince fukking sandbagging dude for stupid bullshyt is annoying. They had this Bro looking like a swamp rat.
Man... fukk Vince. Master of wasting talent.