I just read it was a 3 minute squash? Lmao!!!
That’s not completely accurate.
Corbin hit him from behind with the belt and then he got f5’d 4 or five times and kicked out every time until the end.
I understand braun lost momentum because they stupidly turned him heel only to now turn him face with basically no reasoning but if they didn’t want to put the belt on Braun why not insert drew mcyintire and put the title on him?
Unless they doing a unification match at survivor series with AJ but if not you really gonna job AJ to Brock two straight years?
Seth as a babyface could/should be the guy but he’s probably feuding with Ambrose possibly as long as the rumble ...
We know last year survivor series was looking dumb as hell with all the matches they had set up but they did a ton of title changes before the show to have matches that made sense so can’t rule out some title changes...
Shinsuke vs Seth should be good tho