Muddafugga you can not read. I have said continuously that I am going to vote. I have voted in every federal, state and local election since I was 18 years old. My intention is to vote for the candidate that I want to vote for, which will be a third party candidate. I voted for Corey Booker in the Democratic primary even after he had dropped out, so I vote my conscience. I am not going to whine about shyt after the outcome, because I will be able to look myself in the mirror and know that I did not enable either one of those old racist muddafuggas to shyt on us. Regardless of who wins the election it is a terrible outcome for African Americans.
On another note both of those parties have shyt on Black people. The Democrats have locked up just as many Black people as the Republicans. So let's not act like act the Democrats have Black people best interest at heart, because they don't and they never have. Black people are a means to an end for the Democrats to gain power. Period. After they gain power they push every agenda except African Americans agenda. They push women rights, gay rights, environmental rights, animal rights, illegal alien rights, etc., but never African American rights. African Americans can not even get the Democrats to do one basic thing, which is to end police brutality. Look at your major cities and states, where you have all of these Democrats in high office. As soon as a cop kills a Black person and Black people go to those elected officials and ask for justice those same people turn their backs on African Americans and say that they can not do anything about it. Those b*stards will not even remove qualified immunity from the cops even though they like have the votes locally and statewide to pull it off. Yet those same people will come back and ask Black people to vote for them again even though they never help Black people. So no the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans.
Not only that, but if you are a Black man how can you honestly ever trust Biden after he said this shyt:
Biden in 1993 speech pushing crime bill warned of 'predators on our streets' who were 'beyond the pale'
Biden in 1993 speech pushing crime bill warned of 'predators on our streets' who were 'beyond the pale' - CNNPolitics