Go to school, get a degree, and get a well paying job? Why are you stripping an adult of all agency when it comes to stepping up and taking care of her child?
A child needs good food, a good education, and comfortable shelter. They don't need to be dripped out in luxury. Beyond the basics, spending on a child is diminishing returns.
She’s old enough and famous enough (I guess) to have gotten a skill outside of her looks and used her platform for it.
She’s complaining that 2.5k like it isn’t enough… and homeboys own tweet stated that it’s more than enough. Almost double the average that it supposedly takes to raise a child…
And another thing, that child support is what he’s giving HER. Guarantee all that is not going to the child.
nikkas acting like he’s not gonna have his child set up or does hasn’t done/will do anything else financially . A good father would. I bet when that kid goes to HIS home he’ll have everything he would ever want and need.
And at that age, what would a child NEED financially outside of food, shelter, medical care? I saw an IG chick literally buy 2 buckets of water, throw some toys in it, and let her kids play with it. At that age, kid would be happy with a cardboard box with toys to play with