The real Queen Charlotte wasn't "black" but clearly had black ancestry. Most likely biracial.
If they were Black they were part of one of the most racist empires and party to the colonization of Black men and enslavement of Black men. Either way it is a fail.
people who take pride in having Black faces in white spaces miss the entire point. Are we to gush and squeal with joy because they tokenized a few while killing many?
take pride in something else... i'm all for accurate historical depictions but I'm not here for white validations. They didn't get into these spaces because they were pro Black, it was usually the opposite. Partners to atrocities against brehs and so forth.
Oh she was Black?
what did she do for her brehs?
did she claim her heritage?
keep it accurate but don't take pride in this.
that isn't this tho.. this is b*stard child of a mistress gets token role in British Empire... not Black leaders/influencers who rose in Europe or Asia. It's a difference in their status and placement. Identifying their true identities and heritage has validity but not all of it is to be celebrated or held in pride. people use things like this to endear themselves to the Empire like how Meghan Markle was a symbol of hope for a lot of Black Women who wanted white validation. They felt like the prince marrying a "Black" woman uplifted their collective worth. This was how many years after Queen Charlotte? And still it was a disaster.My dude,you're misunderstanding the issue. Blacks had and still have a global presence-even ancient China,goddammit!? The earliest known Chinese dialect,S Qiang contains Niger-Congo tonal elements. Here's a study from Hong Kong Uni;a short fascinating read,at least for an amateur historian like me.
‘African’ Tone in the Sinosphere*Jonathan P. Evans Academia Sinica Linguists often refer to tonal languages as belonging to ‘types’ ─ African, East Asian, etc. This paper documents the tonal system of the Mianchi dialect of Southern Qiang, a Tibeto-Burman language located squarely in the East Asian tone environment. Although tone has developed in Southern Qiang under heavy influence from Chinese, the tone system found in Mianchi fits an ‘African’ typology much better than it does a ‘Chinese’ or ‘East Asian’ type. The degrees of African-ness and Chinese-ness are evaluated, and African-style features are shown to be lurking throughout the Qiangic family. Similarities of word structure and word length between African and Qiangic
The most interesting excerpt
‘ African-ness of Mianchi tone The properties of Mianchi tone that have been demonstrated in §2 should look very familiar to Africanists, but are not considered typical of Chinese dialects.'
Here's a relatively contemporary depiction of Inca royals and Carlos 5 of Spain. They're all mulatto though he seems blacker.
These are all FACTS. How we chose to interpret these facts is upon us.
Edit:another period portrait of Lisbon. Why does the black guy on horseback wear the Cross of the Order of Santiago? Notice all the other blacks. What could've happened to them? Has mainstream history told us? Don't you find it at least mildly interesting?
She is a white woman though, her euro ancestry is probably in the 70% to 80%.A 1000 years from now Meghan Markle will be thought of as a white woman by historians.
That’s because she’s a white woman.A 1000 years from now Meghan Markle will be thought of as a white woman by historians.
That’s because she’s a white woman.
She is a white woman though, her euro ancestry is probably in the 70% to 80%.
No, it WASN'T the Moors who gave Euro royalty not just Spanish and Portuguese their blackness but the INDIGENOUS Black Euros. Mainly Catholic they were the continental ruling class also making up much of the middle class.
They were all over Central,North, South, West and East Europe including Russia and the British Isles: am on my phone right now but CHECK THE ORIGINALS PORTRAITS OF Cardinal Richelieu of France and Oliver Cromwell leader of the rebellion against Charles the 1st in the 1650s
Both were mulatto. Their black and mulatto forces lost European race/religious wars in the 1650s to early 1800s and were deported to America. This, and Indig Black Americans are the source of the overwhelming majority of Blacks NOT the HUGELY EXAGGERATED Trans Atlantic slave trade.
That applies to homie above you to though.White people so stupid. How about accepting history for what is instead of wanting it to conform to your pitiful confirmation bias.
That applies to homie above you to though.
Black folk are now the true Euros, Russians, Chinese, Hebrews, Egyptians, AND Native much work to be anything other than african...
That applies to homie above you to though.
Black folk are now the true Euros, Russians, Chinese, Hebrews, Egyptians, AND Native much work to be anything other than african...
You’re right but Egyptians and Hebrews are Africans...