at least mine slant with the outside upwards, not downwards, unlike the japanese, so I don't look sad lol
Is this true? Do people from Hong Kong have eyes that slant in a different direction than those born in Japan?
Is this a thing amongst people from those regions?
shes such an average looking white girl, but theres something appealing about her,
I think that people are attracted to shapes and symmetry. I think people have to condition themselves to be attracted to superficial things like complexion (to some degree).
I think If "Kayt B" put on makeup to make her skin look darker (as if she was black) you would still find her attractive because you are probably drawn to the shape of her faceand how her facial features complement each other.
At the same time you could probably see a different woman with facial features completely different than "Katy B" and still find Woman #2 attractive because her face shape and facial features complement themselves well but in different way.

I think its how they marketed her as the "urban" yt chick. id pipe
lol. She was discovered on youtube?