Anyone watch the debate?
@Trajan @Fenian @mitter
I think the format was not very good. There really wasn't enough time to have a detailed discussion about anything before the moderator interrupted them.
Boris just kept repeating his talking points "Corbyn doesn't have a position on Brexit," "Get Brexit done," blah blah. He is clearly banking on an electorate that is barely paying attention and will be influenced by these take home messages (and sadly, that strategy may pay off).
Corbyn had a few good moments, but he didn't get a chance to get into detail and really show his best stuff. He also refrained from attacking Boris as much as he could have (this could actually work to his benefit, allowing voters to see him as more positive and statesmanlike, but it may actually just be a wasted opportunity).
In all, while it's not a game-changer, I think Corbyn will benefit a little bit from this. I especially think that his emphasizing "let the people decide" when put into contrast with Boris' clear Brexit position will allow it to sink in for remainers that if they really want to stop Brexit, the only option is a Labour-led government.
Best-case scenario: over the next few weeks, we see the remainers slowly but surely get a grip with reality and "come home" to Labour.