jaw line, cheek bones, women looking/touching me, turned from being "creepy and weird" into mysterious and laid back

, "friends: wanting to hang around me more and invite me to more things like parties etc, people didnt "forget" my name when i told them,, people talk to me more and actually listen ot what i say, the way i talk changed and my voice no longer was raspy and sounded like i needed to blow my nose, also i talk normally now instead of saying like 2 or 3 words and pausing idk how to really explain it, skin cleared up, felt happier overall, family and friends started treating me better, less tired, depression is almost non existent, smile more, not scared or ashamed of taking my shirt off/going to the pool/beach, posture improved, dont stand on the walls at parties, got way more jobs. a lot of shyt changed for the better bro, lose it before its to late.