Box Cutta
Bumbling Sidekick
I don't particularly like Toure (He's had some extremely silly racial opinions in the past, one time arguing pretty much in favor of slave rape before deleting the tweets and claiming that he was "hacked"), but the narrative of this thread seems a bit off. Just read about this on H.Post and they make it seem more even split...Chris Matthews came out in support of drones later that day. Rachel Maddow as well. Just sayin.
MSNBC Hosts Argue With Each Other About Drones, DOJ Memo (VIDEO)
That show itself is a clusterfukk though. Can't stand that stupid whore SE. Cac anymore than I can Toure.
MSNBC Hosts Argue With Each Other About Drones, DOJ Memo (VIDEO)
That show itself is a clusterfukk though. Can't stand that stupid whore SE. Cac anymore than I can Toure.