Brehs... Should I go back and get my MBA?, or should I...


Apr 30, 2012
I'm 26, but I already have a wife, a daughter, and recently bought a house. So I don't have any plans to move any time soon. And since I'm 26 I've only really been in the workforce for like 3.5 years. My Undergrad degree is in Management Information Systems.

I've always done fairly well on standardized tests, and I'm black... But I dread studying for the GMAT. But tell me more about this free MBA from Emory...:lupe:

Oh yea... and yes. I also need a part-time/online program considering I am married, with a child, and with a mortgage.... and a car payment (my wife's... smh)
:sadcam: @ you not posting in HL. These are exactly the types of threads we need more of.


All Star
May 22, 2012

So what route would you take... I don't want to get into a heap of student loan debt. So a school like Emory is out of the question costing somwhere between 60K-90K for the program. Georgia Tech is 60K+, and UGA is 51K

Georgia State is 30K-40K depending on how long you take.

The WebMBA programs offered at local university average around 30K. But these aren't very prestigious schools.

And the school back home option is only valid if I can get in-state tuition at 10K, but once again, it's not a prestigious school at all.

And the biggest thing for me is I don't want to have to wait until I'm 40 to reap the benefits of my degree because I have to pay back 70-100K in student loans. I'd rather make a little less, spend a little less and not have to worry about paying back student loans. I can live the rest of my life how I want to making 85-100K/year. Especially where I live in Georgia, and considering my wife is a Registered Nurse and already make 60K+ a year.

oh yeah your situation is a lil different. part time is probably best.

but here's the link to the consortium:

This wouldn't work for me because you have go Full-Time... smh. Wish I would have known about this 4 years ago.


All Star
May 22, 2012
The hardest part is finding other couples to kick it with. Specifically black. It's a shytty age range to already be established in family life.

Right?!?!... we spend some weekends drinking beer/wine and watching DVR'd epidsodes of Iyanla: fix my life like :sadcam:

It's pitiful... lol. Every week one of us says... "We need to find some friends" cause none of our friends are married. Not even any of our brothers or sisters. Sad story man... Sad story


All Star
May 22, 2012
:sadcam: @ you not posting in HL. These are exactly the types of threads we need more of.

I get tired of these threads...

"Religion is fairy tales"
"Obama is the worst president ever"
"Obeezy is the best president ever"
"A new world order is coming"

I can't deal... So I don't even go over there anymore. A bunch of high horse sitting know it alls


Apr 30, 2012
I get tired of these threads...

"Religion is fairy tales"
"Obama is the worst president ever"
"Obeezy is the best president ever"
"A new world order is coming"

I can't deal... So I don't even go over there anymore. A bunch of high horse sitting know it alls
I think we're all tired of re-treads, but it's easier to get past those with more new topics. Unfortunately, topics like those get more of a response than anything else. It's why we got rid of the college and career discussion sub-forum, no one posted in it. If we got a long enough thread just taking about college of graduate school I would add it to the important threads heading, but :manny: I still think you should post there. More opinions are always welcome.
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Jun 22, 2012
(I don't like posting in Higher Learning, so I'll post this here...)

Should I go get my MBA, or should I get a Project Management/Lean Six Sigma Certification.
Right now I have a degree in Management Information Systems, and work in a position related to my field. I've determined recently that my final "destination" is probably to work as a Project Manager at some level. The past few months I had been researching and planning for going back to get an MBA, but it's just mad expensive. Even to go to a local university, you have to drop like 25K.

So recently I have been looking into just trying to get my PMP and Six Sigma Certifications. I can go to Emory and get a project management certificate and a Six Sigma Green Belt Certification for $5400, plus books. And It would take me maybe a year. The cheapest school in my area to get an MBA is Georgia State University or the Georgia WebMBA program that goes through several universities around here, and they are around 30K. Schools like Emory, UGA, and Georgia Tech are all 40K+.

Do ya'll think it would make sense to just go for a PMP and Six Sigma instead. And people in the field, do you think it's just as/more/less marketable than an MBA?
One other option is to try to go back to my undergrad school and get In-State tuition :smugfavre: , and the MBA program is like 10K total, but it's a small school, non recgonizable school. It's in the UNC School System, but it's a small HBCU.

Mind you, my job has tuition reimbursement that will pay like 80% of my school expenses up to $6000 per calendar year

I mean I got my mba back in 06', if you have the funds, I am a believer in education because it stays with you forever and also gives you more opportunity/ you gain a better understanding of things business wise. If you plan on working instead of owning a business, the ROI is worth it especially over your lifespan, that 30k that you spend you will make up in a couple years on a modest job raise, but the sky is the limit if you land a good position. I still want to do six sigma and was thinking of PNP but after really putting thought into it, I will not get anything out of it because not a project management person. Looking into the whitebelt now, I feel this not only looks good on a resume, but can save you alot of time and money on your own business if you want to go that route.


Seattle fan since 2013 *deal with it slime*
Nov 9, 2012
Seattle We Run You Nyggas Ask Russel Wilson
So what route would you take... I don't want to get into a heap of student loan debt. So a school like Emory is out of the question costing somwhere between 60K-90K for the program. Georgia Tech is 60K+, and UGA is 51K

Georgia State is 30K-40K depending on how long you take.

The WebMBA programs offered at local university average around 30K. But these aren't very prestigious schools.

And the school back home option is only valid if I can get in-state tuition at 10K, but once again, it's not a prestigious school at all.

And the biggest thing for me is I don't want to have to wait until I'm 40 to reap the benefits of my degree because I have to pay back 70-100K in student loans. I'd rather make a little less, spend a little less and not have to worry about paying back student loans. I can live the rest of my life how I want to making 85-100K/year. Especially where I live in Georgia, and considering my wife is a Registered Nurse and already make 60K+ a year.

This wouldn't work for me because you have go Full-Time... smh. Wish I would have known about this 4 years ago.


And others are probably better qualified to answer that question, but I'd go with Georgia State. You guys sound pretty established within the state and although there are more prestigious schools within the state, there's always room within companies and upper management for lower tier school graduates to get on. Diversity works in many ways and I'm positive a state like Georgia with so many HBCU's, companies make sure to bring in different perspectives. And breh 40 is right around the corner lol. You didn't think at 26 you'd be married with a kid. :sadcam: lol You a sneeze away from 30. 40 years old is prime earning years. :yeshrug:

Yeh just focus on career. I assume the way things are going for us, we won't really have the circle of friends we want until mid 30's and we're more established in our careers. Figure once we join more organizations and become more active a more vibrant professional black social life we'll have. Ya'll definitely :eat: though. :salute:


Apr 30, 2012

And others are probably better qualified to answer that question, but I'd go with Georgia State. You guys sound pretty established within the state and although there are more prestigious schools within the state, there's always room within companies and upper management for lower tier school graduates to get on. Diversity works in many ways and I'm positive a state like Georgia with so many HBCU's, companies make sure to bring in different perspectives. And breh 40 is right around the corner lol. You didn't think at 26 you'd be married with a kid. :sadcam: lol You a sneeze away from 30. 40 years old is prime earning years. :yeshrug:

Yeh just focus on career. I assume the way things are going for us, we won't really have the circle of friends we want until mid 30's and we're more established in our careers. Figure once we join more organizations and become more active a more vibrant professional black social life we'll have. Ya'll definitely :eat: though. :salute:
It's a tough call because I don't know anything about the Georgia job market. My friend who got his MBA from Clark Atlanta is now working in Boston. My friend who got his MPA from Georgia State is now working in Kansas. The only thing I know about that Atlanta job market would be law-related. I can't help him there. I'm very east and west coast-centric because those and DC are the only places I ever considered living. However, his situation obviously means that he probably can't go to school out of state. I would search the alumni network of all the schools you're considering and make contacts and meet with people and have them help advise you. If you're good at reading people or if they're straight up, you'll know the quality of the degree. As for getting an MBA vs. the Project Management stuff, I would really ask practitioners and recruiting directors who you can often find through linkedin or the company website on what they look for in a candidate. That or find school alumni in the field they're usually happy to help. Sorry that I can't help more.


May 13, 2012
Right?!?!... we spend some weekends drinking beer/wine and watching DVR'd epidsodes of Iyanla: fix my life like :sadcam:

It's pitiful... lol. Every week one of us says... "We need to find some friends" cause none of our friends are married. Not even any of our brothers or sisters. Sad story man... Sad story
:dwillhuh: The ppl you hang with dont have to be married right? As long as yall friends the same age it be too strange

My brother and his wife never have problems having a good time with me, her friends, his friends, etc.


All Star
May 22, 2012
:dwillhuh: The ppl you hang with dont have to be married right? As long as yall friends the same age it be too strange

My brother and his wife never have problems having a good time with me, her friends, his friends, etc.

Ehh... it's just different. It doesn't help that me and my wife aren't into the same type of night scene that we used to be into. Plus we're just on a completely different type of schedule than everyone else. We only have a couple friends that live in the area since both of us moved from NC. So we would really have to find new people to hang out with. And most of the parents at our child's pre-K are either older (like mid-30s or older) or the young ones are like single mothers and haven't quite realized they have a child yet... smh.

I do still go out with my brothers every once in a while, and she'll go out with her co-workers to eat every once in a while, but separately. As a couple, we just don't do much with anyone else. So sometimes we just sit in the house, save some babysitter money and watch a movie or something.
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The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
(I don't like posting in Higher Learning, so I'll post this here...)

Should I go get my MBA, or should I get a Project Management/Lean Six Sigma Certification.
Right now I have a degree in Management Information Systems, and work in a position related to my field. I've determined recently that my final "destination" is probably to work as a Project Manager at some level. The past few months I had been researching and planning for going back to get an MBA, but it's just mad expensive. Even to go to a local university, you have to drop like 25K.

So recently I have been looking into just trying to get my PMP and Six Sigma Certifications. I can go to Emory and get a project management certificate and a Six Sigma Green Belt Certification for $5400, plus books. And It would take me maybe a year. The cheapest school in my area to get an MBA is Georgia State University or the Georgia WebMBA program that goes through several universities around here, and they are around 30K. Schools like Emory, UGA, and Georgia Tech are all 40K+.

Do ya'll think it would make sense to just go for a PMP and Six Sigma instead. And people in the field, do you think it's just as/more/less marketable than an MBA?
One other option is to try to go back to my undergrad school and get In-State tuition :smugfavre: , and the MBA program is like 10K total, but it's a small school, non recgonizable school. It's in the UNC School System, but it's a small HBCU.

Mind you, my job has tuition reimbursement that will pay like 80% of my school expenses up to $6000 per calendar year
If your job is paying for it then go for it. But think really hard, an MBA kinda pegs you into a certain hole and it's not a good one. You're setting yourself up to be a cubicle jockey for life. Then again, you might have already done that with your wife and kids.

I've yet to meet one happy, self actualized MBA. They're all balls deep in the rat race. Nothing but debt and frivolous spending.

MBAs that I talk to routinely joke about bouncing from their job and working for me.

The first person I ever fired was an MBA/CPA.

Just a thought...
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All Star
May 22, 2012
If your job is paying for it then go for it. But think really hard, an MBA kinda pegs you into a certain hole and it's not a good one. You're setting yourself up to be a cubicle jockey for life. Then again, you might have already done that with your wife and kids.

I've yet to meet one happy, self actualized MBA. They're all balls deep in the rat race. Nothing but debt and frivolous spending.

MBAs that I talk to routinely joke about bouncing from their job and working for me.

The first person I ever fired was an MBA/CPA.

Just a thought...

Most of the things you're saying have nothing to do with having an MBA, and more to do with people you've met with MBAs having crappy lives or having no clear goals. You can get any degree/cert you want and end up like that. This thread isn't about what I want to do career wise. I already know what I want to do. It's about the best path to get there...

The fact that the first person you ever fired was an MBA/CPA doesn't mean anything except for either he was bad at his job, so you fired him... Or he was good at his job and you're an a$$hole.

And before we even go in this direction... I'm already currently working on a business with my brothers and a couple friends from back home. A legitimate business that actually has the potential to produce a nice nest egg. But I know how to multi-task... So I'm gucci.