brehs lets talk about this Female code i'v noticed over the years


Dec 27, 2017
We interact with women everyday too...,the shyt aint good out here...
Facts is most women dont even like other women...
im sure we can agree on that. And there is a reason for that... cause women be on alotta bullshyt. if it wasnt for p*ssy men would probly have no interaction with the average woman...
For u it wouldnt be about proving anything...
Its similar to non racist, good white ppl not saying anything about police brutality and injustice against minorities...
The racist elements of their race have a louder voice and are more visible... the good, decent ones choose not to silence them in public or call out their bullshyt in the same forums that the racist ones use...
So the only voice we have is our own.,and that doesnt help us, because it always seems like we're making excuses or making up shyt in general.
Nothing gets better that way.
But not everybody sees things the same way.... so cool

I have a question for you and be honest. Would you take advice on how to be a man from a woman?

And do you spend equal amount of energy schooling men? If so, do they listen to you?

Because see, I have a theory; men for the most part don’t like being told what to do. They love telling women about themselves because women are more likely to entertain them for male company. Despite the claims on this site.

The same way some posters don’t listen to women on certain subjects, I don’t listen to men. No man is going to tell me how to be a woman. If I am looking for advice on womanly matters I have my mother or other older women that I respect to speak to. Cause men are self serving in respect to women and only advise according to what advantages them. They only break code when it comes to their daughters and that is only slightly.


Jan 4, 2017
@mag357 i don’t know where you live but I see far more older women advising younger women than I see older men advising younger men.
shyttt... dont get me twisted. I luv strong sistahs with a heart, morals, and a brain...
If u and the women in ur circle are those types... then i commend u. and there is hope...
My circle is has male leaders... men who strive to either be role models or at least responsible adults, who want to teach younger men how to do better and avoid the pitfuls of life...
But i dont think we represent the majority of men...
U shouldnt think yall types make up the majority of women


Jan 4, 2017
I have a question for you and be honest. Would you take advice on how to be a man from a woman?

And do you spend equal amount of energy schooling men? If so, do they listen to you?

Because see, I have a theory; men for the most part don’t like being told what to do. They love telling women about themselves because women are more likely to entertain them for male company. Despite the claims on this site.

The same way some posters don’t listen to women on certain subjects, I don’t listen to men. No man is going to tell me how to be a woman. If I am looking for advice on womanly matters I have my mother or other older women that I respect to speak to. Cause men are self serving in respect to women and only advise according to what advantages them. They only break code when it comes to their daughters and that is only slightly.
Damn...great question...
And the answer is.... ofcourse not.
And we are about to get into a conversation thats gonna make me seem super hypocritical... lol.
So i really dont want to get into it :russ:
But I will say this, a man should never comform to what a woman wants or what she perceives a man should be. He is a man... He is a leader and who ever he is with needs to either be what he wants or conform to him.
So it is no need for him to ever take advice from a woman. Women dnt have the same thrive and natural instincts as men to be able to advise him on things... For the most part.
Its not that men dont like being told what to do... but u can't tell a human being whose natural instinct is to be a leader that hes leading wrong. Even if its true... Hes gonna lead or move the way hes going to do it...
The thing women hate about men is the same thing you luv and take security in..
But U are right.... Evil men (which are alot of men) are self serving when it comes to advice, except in regards to female loved ones...
However, The problem with women taking advice from other women is, women naturally have flaws that keep them from looking at themselves deeply and critiquing themselves...They are very sensitive and delicate in those areas.
So other women are usually taking advice from people who dnt even know themselves.
As a women ur better off just analyzing shyt urself.
I could say the same thing for alotta of dudes too now... because alot of guys have been raised my their mothers and are very emotionally sensitive.
But for the most part men are trained early on to take accountability for there actions. that goes along with being able to self reflect.
So they can give good insight on things from there perspective
Oh and yes... im schooling 20+ year olds every day.. and they battle back. but they understand that i come from a place of much experience and luv... so somethings stick, some things dont.
But the major things take time for them young guys to really realize that i was right about. Im old.. im patient