It's going to be tough because he's been presented as supernatural. The closest comparison we have is The Undertaker and I remember even when Hulk Hoegan got him back at Tuesday in Texas the match was complete fukkery.. Hoegan cheated and got a quick roll up.
Shortly after that The Undertaker turned face and he only lost to Yokozuna because it was like ten guys helping Yoko.
If Roman beats Fiend which I think it's the likely scenario, if it's just Superman punch and spear then the character is probably dead
If Roman wins in fukkery maybe Bray starts positioning himself as a face
Shortly after that The Undertaker turned face and he only lost to Yokozuna because it was like ten guys helping Yoko.
If Roman beats Fiend which I think it's the likely scenario, if it's just Superman punch and spear then the character is probably dead
If Roman wins in fukkery maybe Bray starts positioning himself as a face