Brehs and Brehettes .. About to join Planet Fitness by my crib .. HELP!

Trust Me

Coli Prophet
May 1, 2012
I know there's probably been hundreds of threads on this very same topic, but I need help from my Coli fam. I used to be the most athletic cat in the room no matter where I was. Now, I cant even play a game of 21 without heavy breathing. shyts so bad, that if I gotta to back to 11 cause I missed my final shot, I get mad and shyt. :mjcry:

Anyways, I've always been a thin ass type dude. Played high school ball at 6'6" 165lbs :sadcam: .. then some Juco at 6'6" 185.

I'm up to 230 right now... and while most of you will be like "thats a good weight fam" ... its not good weight. :sadbron: I looked in the mirror the other day after taking a shower, and I saw the beginning stages of moobs. :shaq2: (Thats man boobs for ya'll that have never heard that before.) So I said enough of this shyt.

Problem is, I'm finding it all overwhelming. The eating right, what to eat every day, what workouts to do in order to achieve what it is that I want to achieve. Ect.

I'm scared ya'll. I aint tryna get :flabbynsick: already. I just turned 37. I want definition. Doesnt need to be no pipe dream type of body. Just .. I dont know.. definition and a healthy lifestyle. I'll be working out at like 2 in the morning every day also. I wok at night, so I'll be hitting up the gym at that time. Less people and less stress. Any help with:


would be dope.


East (Asian) Atlanta Santa
Oct 25, 2014
Planet fitness is straight :trash:. First thing I'd suggest is to join a better gym.

Count your weekly caloric intake and average it out so you're eating about approx 200 calories less per day than what you'd normally eat.

You can start on a strength program like Greyskull LP, Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 and do some cardio like 2-3x/week maybe.

You don't really need to worry about supplements now (over 80% of supplements are a waste of money), but some creatine monohydrate is never a bad idea.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
For you my friend its relatively simple

First big thing is to see if you can stop working at night. That shyt wreaks havoc on the body even when u do everything else right.

Second, for now I would just focus on losing weight and tightening up that diet. Go for ~2000 calories a day and try and get half of that from protein. And do about 30 minutes of low intensity cardio a day. Weight will start melting off. You can do some strength work if you want... real basic shyt, bench, lat pull downs, lateral dumbell raises, leg press and leg curls. Keep it very simple. 2x-3x/week. From there you should be good.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
I know there's probably been hundreds of threads on this very same topic, but I need help from my Coli fam. I used to be the most athletic cat in the room no matter where I was. Now, I cant even play a game of 21 without heavy breathing. shyts so bad, that if I gotta to back to 11 cause I missed my final shot, I get mad and shyt. :mjcry:

Anyways, I've always been a thin ass type dude. Played high school ball at 6'6" 165lbs :sadcam: .. then some Juco at 6'6" 185.

I'm up to 230 right now... and while most of you will be like "thats a good weight fam" ... its not good weight. :sadbron: I looked in the mirror the other day after taking a shower, and I saw the beginning stages of moobs. :shaq2: (Thats man boobs for ya'll that have never heard that before.) So I said enough of this shyt.

Problem is, I'm finding it all overwhelming. The eating right, what to eat every day, what workouts to do in order to achieve what it is that I want to achieve. Ect.

I'm scared ya'll. I aint tryna get :flabbynsick: already. I just turned 37. I want definition. Doesnt need to be no pipe dream type of body. Just .. I dont know.. definition and a healthy lifestyle. I'll be working out at like 2 in the morning every day also. I wok at night, so I'll be hitting up the gym at that time. Less people and less stress. Any help with:


would be dope.

don't let the coli gym bourgies dissuade you from joining planet fitness. it has everything you need for the goals you're looking to achieve. plus an economical membership price and all the machines and equipment to get the job done. i started in january and worked my way up to 3- 4 hour workouts a few times a week. also, check the local times, the one near me closes at 11pm during the week and 7pm on the weekends.

a healthy diet is not rocket science. cut out the fried foods, sugars and desserts. drink more water than gatorade if you're trying to burn calories. no sodium and fat laden take-out foods while your getting into shape! add plenty of fresh vegetables into your diet. start out with a good multivitamin/ mineral product until you learn more about supplements. don't eat or drink anything with high fructose corn syrup. chit has a flipping patent number and is hell on the human body.


Patent US5512464 - Method of producing high fructos
High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Dangers & Side Ef

5 Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You - Dr

Study Links High-Fructose Corn Syrup to Diabetes - W


Old Master
May 11, 2012
don't let the coli gym bourgies dissuade you from joining planet fitness. it has everything you need for the goals you're looking to achieve. plus an economical membership price and all the machines and equipment to get the job done. i started in january and worked my way up to 3- 4 hour workouts a few times a week. also, check the local times, the one near me closes at 11pm during the week and 7pm on the weekends.

a healthy diet is not rocket science. cut out the fried foods, sugars and desserts. drink more water than gatorade if you're trying to burn calories. no sodium and fat laden take-out foods while your getting into shape! add plenty of fresh vegetables into your diet. start out with a good multivitamin/ mineral product until you learn more about supplements. don't eat or drink anything with high fructose corn syrup. chit has a flipping patent number and is hell on the human body.


Patent US5512464 - Method of producing high fructos
High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Dangers & Side Ef

5 Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You - Dr

Study Links High-Fructose Corn Syrup to Diabetes - W

What does a 3-4 hour workout consist of?

Trust Me

Coli Prophet
May 1, 2012
Planet fitness is straight :trash:. First thing I'd suggest is to join a better gym.

Count your weekly caloric intake and average it out so you're eating about approx 200 calories less per day than what you'd normally eat.

You can start on a strength program like Greyskull LP, Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 and do some cardio like 2-3x/week maybe.

You don't really need to worry about supplements now (over 80% of supplements are a waste of money), but some creatine monohydrate is never a bad idea.

Planet Fitness is the only gym that's open when I get out of work at night. I've got too much shyt going on in the day. (father obligations, errands, rest for work that night ect.) I see your recommendations as far as what to do exercise wise, and thank you for that. One of my nightmares is busting my ass for weeks doing workouts that I think are beneficial to me, only to not really be doing anything to help out my physique/body structure.

For you my friend its relatively simple

First big thing is to see if you can stop working at night. That shyt wreaks havoc on the body even when u do everything else right.

Second, for now I would just focus on losing weight and tightening up that diet. Go for ~2000 calories a day and try and get half of that from protein. And do about 30 minutes of low intensity cardio a day. Weight will start melting off. You can do some strength work if you want... real basic shyt, bench, lat pull downs, lateral dumbell raises, leg press and leg curls. Keep it very simple. 2x-3x/week. From there you should be good.

I would stop working at night if it was an option. I mean I could work daytime, but I'd lose out on so much money. I tend bar .. so the financial differences isnt even close. I got a little one too, so that's really not an option. Not right now anyway.

don't let the coli gym bourgies dissuade you from joining planet fitness. it has everything you need for the goals you're looking to achieve. plus an economical membership price and all the machines and equipment to get the job done. i started in january and worked my way up to 3- 4 hour workouts a few times a week. also, check the local times, the one near me closes at 11pm during the week and 7pm on the weekends.

a healthy diet is not rocket science. cut out the fried foods, sugars and desserts. drink more water than gatorade if you're trying to burn calories. no sodium and fat laden take-out foods while your getting into shape! add plenty of fresh vegetables into your diet. start out with a good multivitamin/ mineral product until you learn more about supplements. don't eat or drink anything with high fructose corn syrup. chit has a flipping patent number and is hell on the human body.


Patent US5512464 - Method of producing high fructos
High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Dangers & Side Ef

5 Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You - Dr

Study Links High-Fructose Corn Syrup to Diabetes - W

Thanks. This Planet Fitness is really my only option right now. It's affordable and its open 24 hours a day. (except for weekends.. it closes at 7pm) As for the corn syrup ... there's not much I remember form school, but one thing is that corn syrup is probably the single worst edible thing that you can out into your body. I can quit soda when I start working out. I know i'll hae to if I want results .. I mean shyts gonna be hard, but I know I can do it. Desserts is no biggie. Not really a fan. Sugars is gonna be hard too, but I can do it. Can you recommend a multivitamin/mineral product that's know to be good? I can stop by the Vitamin shoppe or GNC. Thanks.

Thanks everybody. Any more info, feel free to shoot some my way. Any little bit could help.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
I dont use multivitamins so I cant help there. Veggies are :blessed: if u do em right and are pretty much calorie free with much higher bioavailability of vitamins and minerals than multivitamins. I wouldnt stop at soda and corn syrup. Keep sugar down to like 50-70g a day tops from all sources. For me thats usually like a candy bar or bowl of cereal or something, but for most of my diet I have been going without it almost completely, aside from on my chicken. Drink a shytload of water. I drink at least half of one of these every day


67 oz. Im almost done with mine today, its one of those days...

Made Man

All Star
May 8, 2012
Planet Fitness is the only gym that's open when I get out of work at night. I've got too much shyt going on in the day. (father obligations, errands, rest for work that night ect.) I see your recommendations as far as what to do exercise wise, and thank you for that. One of my nightmares is busting my ass for weeks doing workouts that I think are beneficial to me, only to not really be doing anything to help out my physique/body structure.

I would stop working at night if it was an option. I mean I could work daytime, but I'd lose out on so much money. I tend bar .. so the financial differences isnt even close. I got a little one too, so that's really not an option. Not right now anyway.

Thanks. This Planet Fitness is really my only option right now. It's affordable and its open 24 hours a day. (except for weekends.. it closes at 7pm) As for the corn syrup ... there's not much I remember form school, but one thing is that corn syrup is probably the single worst edible thing that you can out into your body. I can quit soda when I start working out. I know i'll hae to if I want results .. I mean shyts gonna be hard, but I know I can do it. Desserts is no biggie. Not really a fan. Sugars is gonna be hard too, but I can do it. Can you recommend a multivitamin/mineral product that's know to be good? I can stop by the Vitamin shoppe or GNC. Thanks.

Thanks everybody. Any more info, feel free to shoot some my way. Any little bit could help.

Breh, you do not need to workout 3-4 hours a day. Dont let ppl make this more difilcult then it has to be. I have similar obligations to you and this is how i set mines up.
Workout in the morning for about 1 hour-1 hour 15 min. 40 min Weight training. 20 min cardio during the week and if im up to it i go hard on the cardi on on the weekend. As far as dieting , drink LOTS of water. It helps boost your metabolism,keeps you full,keeps your skin clear and helps you shyt. I would suggest a gallon a day.Limit your sweets/ fried foods to once a week. My biggest hurdle was drinking more water. I'm 6 '0 and diet at 225. 235(now)

Monday: Chest-
Wed: Tri and Bi's -
Friday: Shoulders&Back

I usually do 30 min of cardio on Sat or Sun.
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2013
I know nikkas will clown you about the planet fitness, but at least now you made a conscious decision to do something about your weight. I see dudes at the gym who are like 400 pounds, walkin 2 miles per hour on the treadmill, and I am like :whatthehell?: How did this happen?
So I say join, especially if it is close to your house, and open the hours you like. You have to go consistently and remember that weight loss will take time.


Old Master
May 11, 2012

Breh, you do not need to workout 3-4 hours a day. Dont let ppl make this more difilcult then it has to be. I have similar obligations to you and this is how i set mines up.
Workout in the morning for about 1 hour-1 hour 15 min. 40 min Weight training. 20 min cardio during the week and if im up to it i go hard on the cardi on on the weekend. As far as dieting , drink LOTS of water. It helps boost your metabolism,keeps you full,keeps your skin clear and helps you shyt. I would suggest a gallon a day.Limit your sweets/ fried foods to once a week. My biggest hurdle was drinking more water. I'm 6 '0 and diet at 225. 235(now)

Monday: Chest-
Wed: Tri and Bi's -
Friday: Shoulders&Back

I usually do 30 min of cardio on Sat or Sun.
Leg day?

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Planet Fitness is the only gym that's open when I get out of work at night. I've got too much shyt going on in the day. (father obligations, errands, rest for work that night ect.) I see your recommendations as far as what to do exercise wise, and thank you for that. One of my nightmares is busting my ass for weeks doing workouts that I think are beneficial to me, only to not really be doing anything to help out my physique/body structure.

I would stop working at night if it was an option. I mean I could work daytime, but I'd lose out on so much money. I tend bar .. so the financial differences isnt even close. I got a little one too, so that's really not an option. Not right now anyway.

Thanks. This Planet Fitness is really my only option right now. It's affordable and its open 24 hours a day. (except for weekends.. it closes at 7pm) As for the corn syrup ... there's not much I remember form school, but one thing is that corn syrup is probably the single worst edible thing that you can out into your body. I can quit soda when I start working out. I know i'll hae to if I want results .. I mean shyts gonna be hard, but I know I can do it. Desserts is no biggie. Not really a fan. Sugars is gonna be hard too, but I can do it. Can you recommend a multivitamin/mineral product that's know to be good? I can stop by the Vitamin shoppe or GNC. Thanks.

i like solgar, nature's way, and twin labs.

here's a decent looking list. and don't forget about a mineral formula or combination.

The Best Multivitamins for 2015 [Ranking]
See Our Comparison of Over 100 Popular Vitamin Brands and Find the Right One for Your Needs

Thanks everybody. Any more info, feel free to shoot some my way. Any little bit could help.


Achievement In Every Field of Human Endeavor
May 1, 2012

Breh, you do not need to workout 3-4 hours a day. Dont let ppl make this more difilcult then it has to be. I have similar obligations to you and this is how i set mines up.
Workout in the morning for about 1 hour-1 hour 15 min. 40 min Weight training. 20 min cardio during the week and if im up to it i go hard on the cardi on on the weekend. As far as dieting , drink LOTS of water. It helps boost your metabolism,keeps you full,keeps your skin clear and helps you shyt. I would suggest a gallon a day.Limit your sweets/ fried foods to once a week. My biggest hurdle was drinking more water. I'm 6 '0 and diet at 225. 235(now)

Monday: Chest-
Wed: Tri and Bi's -
Friday: Shoulders&Back

I usually do 30 min of cardio on Sat or Sun.
Chronic leg day skipper :dead: