This is why I can't help but laugh when folks try to lump pawgers in with swirlers. I don't know any black man whose been degraded like this by a white woman.
Bedwenches stay losing
This is true.Universally, men, majority of the time, do the doggin.
Until Johnny Law steps in to even it out for the woman.
The life of a "bedwench" has to be harder because women give more
of themselves when getting into a relationship.They're the submissive sex.
They normally submit to the ideology of their man.I've seen bruhs dog the shyt
out of white women.Talk to them any ol kind of way.Emotional & physical abuse.
I mean, some horrible shyt.Ran trains....all kinds of shyt.......But i've never seen
a white woman dog walk a black man like that.All they can do is sic Uncle Sam on you.