And how exactly would you have fixed it?
That would have been easy to fix
First, you find who selling illegal guns which is easy to do. That curbs the shootings, but police need violence or they would be out of jobs. They just need to keep in contained to poor people who have no power to stop anything. Since the 80's, so many ex police, and prosecutors, advanced in their positions, and got paid!
Second, you shut down the spots, but because the government was bringing the cocaine in, stopping the deals would have been hard. Educated hotep brothers used to tell us the government planted the drugs, but there was no proof until 1996, and the cover up was blown open
Third, you invest in rehab centers for adults. Then invest in things for kids to do. You also invest in food pantry, and clothing, this way less kids are enticed to get into the game from being poor
All of this will go to white communities because they aren't seen as low class people who need to be locked up.
Studies were done that showed what needed to be done since the 70's, but because it hit black people, prison was a better solution. Black people felt the same way as whites, self hate is real.
Even the rise of police misconduct was studied in the 70'S, and warned that police needed to have some sort of watch on them or they would get out if control, specifically the prison system, but no one cared. Now, prison is a big business where states are paid to keep them filled! You know who is the group who occupies most of them. Black men!