Run out of porn money
Coke habit must be expensive
Run out of porn money
For a sex worker who made 30k a month for getting naked and high with some randoms, doing rotations in pediatrics, psych wards, and the er, yeah lol
Do most people really not think of future consequences before they take risky gambits. Like I don't know, entering the PORN INDUSTRY. Where every one will know your face and how,you look naked.
If she was making 30-60k a month wtf did she do with her money?
Anyways she's a white girl in America she'll be fine.
on a scale of 1 to 10, what y'all think? fukking hoo cracker
I'm saying tho! That is well over $300K to possibly $600k a year!
She was living in a nice part of LA, which means rent was definitely crazy high.