It was pu$$y cuz of how he shot him. Like on some sneaky shyt. But Von was stupid az fukk for attacking dude. Put his whole team in jeopardy
You know what I learned? Drama, flailing one's hands, being up in arms - on some let's push that edge but it's all love we're gonna resolve it - ends up in death. It's being foolish.
Von seemed like that on some let's fight fair.
But ppl know laws and know they can kill and get daps AND have charges dropped but it's p*ssy.
One video that illustrates this is that white family who pulled up on the highway. Fighting and crying. Cops come. They continue to fight after told to stop in front of the cops. Cops kill one or two of them, then they turn around like "why'd you kill my brother!? We were fighting I love him!"
It's that drama to resolution - they think - but the other ppl arn't playing or they don't see the resolution.
That stupid, foolish drama to be "dramatic" energy.