shyt is even worse when you dig further into new Florida laws
Citizen review boards: What does HB 601 do?
When there are accusations made against police officers for excessive and deadly force, or a persistent lack of trust between law enforcement and the community, local officials may turn to
citizen review boards to investigate complaints. There are currently 21 "civilian oversight agencies" in cities across Florida, including in Daytona Beach, Delray Beach, Gainesville, Tallahassee and West Palm Beach, according to a 2022 report.
Under the new law, the existing boards would be re-established and any new ones created under new rules.
- The board must be composed of at least three and up to seven members
- One of the members must be a retired law enforcement officer
- All members must be appointed by the sheriff or police chief over the area
Amendments to require members to be democratically elected or to leave existing citizen review boards in place pending a two-year review on their effectiveness were shot down.

what a trash state to live in