Release the cops names. Let street justice do the work

americans are too weak

plenty of talk .. but for real wildness you have to look at other places on earth
Release the cops names. Let street justice do the work
You can only do this if you are from overseas. In a country that can’t be influenced by the us government. China. Russia. Sadly , black people cant live in those places.No protesting or looting
Find out where those cops live especially the one that was doing the punching , broadcast his address and everyone turned up there and harassed their families and spit on they kid
Finally going to Dade? And leaving Miami?I want to leave Miami by *next year, a breh's finally going to Dade
I'm a Yank, I'm glad I grew up around different kinds of Black ppl but I need to explore this country and get away from these spics and cacs
only country where 1 person can be dead ass wrong/abusive to another. 200 folks will see it all and stand around saying "stop" instead of doing what's right. I guess there's power in numbers don't apply to the common folkGotta love everybody whipping out their phones saying whoa whoa whoa. Fukk this whole ass country.
You’re british
americans are too weaktoo scared to even talk freely much less do what must be done
plenty of talk .. but for real wildness you have to look at other places on earth
A black champion and an Olympian who represented his country with honor and dignity is treated no more than a common thief and criminal. The sad thing about this is the police officers and cops will be fully backed and supported by the white supremacist governor desantis and by trump. It wont shock me if desantis invites them over for a beer or some sandwich that is how depraved and evil these racists are, to them, this is just putting us in our place.
Brehs already know what it is and what need to be done to get these pigs up off you. Don't need to explain any further. It's one thing these people respect. They have a thirst for it. Quench that thirst
Don’t waste your time with thecoli shills of cac supremacist political parties. If they don’t want to obtain their #BothSides Freedman papers, then let them be/then so be it, friend.Find a single post of mine that indicates unequivocally that I'm a Republican Trump supporter. Nothing that has to be inferred or interpreted, but direct evidence.
How many times does it need to be said on here that not rocking with the Democrats doesn't automatically equal support for Republicans?
I voted for Cornell West in November. Pro Reparations and wanted out of the Israel/Palestine conflict. But sure, I guess somewhere in all of that is some staunch support for Trump.![]()
Factsthey on SOBE gotta duck them crackers (police) cause they nasty all they do is flaw shyt
Ducking And Dodging Everyday
He's suck a fukkin naziDeSantis passed a new bullshyt ass law last year