Has anyone seen Klown?
And cover up that shyt on his chin. This kid looks a little too young to play Spiderman. He looks like the kid from Jurassic World.Hopefully they whiten his teeth first
they are going with a younger Peter/Spidey for this reboot; Garfield/Tobey are too oldIf they weren't gonna go black, they should have just stuck with one of the previous ones.
I don't think we need another reboot, honestly. Most Spidey movies suck, like the Hulks. just move on...they are going with a younger Peter/Spidey for this reboot; Garfield/Tobey are too old
i'm not the biggest superhero/comic guy outside of the Batmans of the world, honestly...but do people really still care about Spider-Man?
Last movie did $700 mill and that was considered underperforming. So....yeah.
its been debated at nauseum, but Spidey is Marvel's most popular/biggest character, and finally in somewhat under Marvel's control on the big screen (finally)....they're going old school/classic with this one brehI don't think we need another reboot, honestly. Most Spidey movies suck, like the Hulks. just move on...
I mean I was going to say it but you did a better job than I would've. Also the fact that last year he sold more merch than any other marvel character combined. But yeah people don't care about him
dumb question or not...it was an honest one.