We already had a civil war over this. I don't care what your feelings are about immigration, these states can't start to get the idea that their law supersede the United States. Biden is going to have to nut up and threaten to take back over the national guard from the state or send federal troops. The constitution is clear who controls the border: The Federal Government. This is one issue where the issue is clearly defined in the constitution. Its not even debatable or open to interpretation, Just like with segregation when these states felt they didn't have to follow the law of the land and the fed had to send troops to enforce the law. May be time for a repeat.
Its no longer about the issue of immigration but confronting these Neo-confederate secessionists who want to challenge federal authority. This time more than any time in recent memory, there are a lot of folks who need to start getting punched in the mouth. Arrest these fukkers if you have to. Biden needs to show some fukking balls on this issue just on principle.