BREAKING School Shooting In Madison,WI..3 Dead Including Shooter, 6 injured

Lord Beasley

Aug 2, 2012
469 x 972 x 702
What was the entire statement he made, so that we may judge fully what was said about this issue.

What I am noticing is that news media chop up sound bites of the side they are opposed to, and then running with what that chopped up sound bite is as the totality of the statement. So I would rather see the entire statement and make an informed judgement based on that.

Edit: We know it happens to us, so let's not ingore the possibility that it does also happen to others. Chopped sound bites is a propaganda tool.

bolstering security isn't going to work like they think it will. there are already a decent amount of armed police officers at schools and this shyt still happens. what does vance want, full body scans like the airport? you know that the simpler solution is stricter gun laws. its not like these mass shooters are using guns with no serials, they're mostly legally purchased weapons.


Fawk That F@ggot Mod FreshAIG
Jun 15, 2022
What was the entire sound statement he made, so that we may judge fully what was said about this issue.

What I am noticing is that news media chop up sound bites of the side they are opposed to, and then running with what that chopped up sound bite is as the totality of the statement. So I would rather see the entire statement and make an informed judgement based on that.
You have google at your disposal. Don’t you? This statement has been circulating for months. In discussions, you have very much participated in. Don’t be disingenuous. I noticed you use this same rhetoric in a number of threads.

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
The comments in this thread fukking stinks. The energy would change if it hit home, but get those jokes off.

  • RIP to those that got killed
  • Rest in piss to the perp
  • fukk you to the system that allows such a thing to continue happening
  • This is not the thread to do the "gods not real lolz" dap fishing
  • Nothing will be done
  • Another day in Amerikkka

Low End Derrick

May 8, 2014


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency

bolstering security isn't going to work like they think it will. there are already a decent amount of armed police officers at schools and this shyt still happens. what does vance want, full body scans like the airport? you know that the simpler solution is stricter gun laws. its not like these mass shooters are using guns with no serials, they're mostly legally purchased weapons.

Here it is written down so those who want to read it, can read it:

A reader asked us what Vance said. Here is Vance’s full response to Maher’s question, in context. We have bolded the portions that are relevant to the controversy:
What happened in Georgia is just an awful tragedy and I know we’ve got a lot of parents and a lot of grandparents in this room. I mean, I cannot imagine, you know, little kids so excited to go back to school. God love them. And they’re at their first week back from the summer and an absolute barbarian decides to open fire and take their lives, and also a couple of teachers. We gotta, we gotta think about these people if you’re the praying type, and I know I am, we gotta hold them up in prayer.
We gotta be hoping for the best for these, for this incredible community because no parent should have to deal with this. No child should have to deal with this. And, yes, after holding these folks up in prayer and giving them our sympathies, because that’s what people deserve in a time of tragedy, then we have to think about how to make this less common.
Now, look, the Kamala Harris answer to this is to take law-abiding American citizens’ guns away from them. That is what Kamala Harris wants to do. But we have to ask ourselves, we actually have, have been able to run an experiment on this because you’ve got some states with very strict gun laws and you’ve got some states that don’t have strict gun laws at all. And the states with strict gun laws, they have a lot of school shootings and the states without strict gun laws, some of them have school shootings, too. So, clearly strict gun laws is not the thing that is going to solve this problem.
What is going to solve this problem? And I really do believe this is, look, I, I don’t like this. I don’t like to admit this. I don’t like that this is a fact of life. But if you’re, if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets, and we have got to bolster security at our schools so that a person who walks through the front door … we, we’ve got to bolster security so that if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children, they’re not able to.
And again, as a parent do I want my kids’ school to have additional security? No, of course, I don’t. I don’t want my kids to go to school in a place where they feel like you’ve got to have additional security. But that is increasingly the reality that we live in.

And a, and a bunch of my colleagues in the Senate, we actually worked on legislation that would give schools more resources to bolster their security because if these psychos are gonna go after our kids, we’ve got to be prepared for it.
We don’t have to like the reality that we live in, but it is the, the reality that we live in. We got to deal with it.

See, the point is when you only take what a news media tells you in a chopped up manner, they are apt to give it a different spin than what was actually stated. Now his solution to the problem can be argued against, but this idea that he just stated "It is a fact of life" is a false and misleading statement to get you angry and have you respond in a manner that the propagandist wants you to.

Lord Beasley

Aug 2, 2012
469 x 972 x 702
Here it is written down so those who want to read it, can read it:

A reader asked us what Vance said. Here is Vance’s full response to Maher’s question, in context. We have bolded the portions that are relevant to the controversy:

See, the point is when you only take what a news media tells you in a chopped up manner, they are apt to give it a different spin than what was actually stated. Now his solution to the problem can be argued against, but this idea that he just stated "It is a fact of life" is a false and misleading statement to get you angry and have you respond in a manner that the propagandist wants you to.
the video i posted isn't chopped up, DF are you talking about :dahell: he said mass shootings are a fact of life and we need to bolster security at schools.....instead of imposing stricter gun laws, which has been proven to significantly decrease the number of mass shootings....


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
You have google at your disposal. Don’t you? This statement has been circulating for months. In discussions, you have very much participated in. Don’t be disingenuous. I noticed you use this same rhetoric in a number of threads.
I did, but I wanted to see if you would put the True statement up there and leave it for everyone to judge on its own merits, instead of using the chopped sound bite statement that was created to mislead people on what was actually stated and foment an emotional response.

No matter the subject, we should be seeking what the Truth is, not what is convient for our emotions in the moment. Oh, and I did post up what the actual statement was that he made, and what you put up was shown to be an edited version made to push a different narrative. So much so, that it was exposed that some news media sources had to back away from that edited response to protect themselves when called out on it.