Breaking: Rapper Tay-K 47 has been sentenced to 55 years!!!!


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
The Star-Telegram had a quote from someone who called Tay K the most violent teenager he'd ever seen...

Being that there's no proof that the youngin was ever actually beefing with real shooters and killers, I can go down a list of teenagers I knew personally, either when I was on the streets or cats I met in the pen who were convicted as teenagers like myself---->I can literally sit here all day talking about teenagers I knew who were really with the shyts over Tay-K, some of whom I ran with myself:

•there was the robbery crew of 15 and 16 year olds I knew when I was the same age who were sticking shyt...

•there was the lil homie from the hood a couple years younger than me who had a verified body (shooting) and had almost stabbed a nikka to death once, plus countless gang beefs, by the time he turned 18, and didn't get caught for any of it...

•there was the homeboy from an area that was really suburban who had two verified bodies by 17, and not bodies on innocent civilians, bodies on other street cats in street beefs, beat one at trial and was never charged in the other...

•the sociopath Panamanian brother who got caught in gang beefs and went to the job of one of his opps and smoked him and mortally wounded another...

Literally too many nikkas to name....

But I also knew a grip of dudes like Tay-K too, there was a bunch of youngsters sentenced to Life or long sentences like Tay, who wasn't really with the shyts like that:

•the nikkas who killed Chris Paul's grandfather were all teenagers and none of them nikkas were with the shyts...

•the cat who got arrested for a gas station killing at his high school when he was 16, he was the trigger man but he wasn't known for that in the streets. Ironically homeboy turned into an animal in the pen, been locked up since he 16 in '05 and ain't getting out til '45...

•and literally a TON of teenage cats who get caught in bodies that involve multiple people, or cats who were trying too hard to be street, etc...


He 19 and going in the system where literally thousands of nikkas got bodies, thousands of nikkas gonna really be bout that drama between them walls, etc. The wildest nikkas often don't even be the nikkas with bodies (sometimes though a killer is a killer from the streets to the pen). My heart goes out to homeboy for the simple fact I don't think any juvenile deserves more than 20 years for any crime committed, but he made his bed...

I don't think fam is really like that, even the "cutting up" they saying he was doing in county, none of it was no gangsta shyt. I say in county for 10 months before my sentence and even when people said "Rock, they gone bring up your jail record in court", it never registered. I wasn't the wildest teenager in the jails but I was in that muhfukka brawling and hit the hole 3 times in that 10 months, once for fighting, got into gang beefs over who was controlling the weed flow in the block, etc...

Homie hasn't done anything gangsta inside or out and is finna be thrown in a bigger cage with more gangstas and wankstas alike, and I ain't confident dude knows how to navigate those waters. One thing I'll say is almost every teenage boy thinks he with the shyts until they put him around grown men. I don't know if Tarrant County kept youth and adults separate, but in the mid-00s, the jail that committed me in North Carolina didn't have a "juvenile block", if you were charged as an adult, you were in the big boy jails with adults who had similar charges. If you were charged as a juvenile you were sent to juvenile hall which was on a different side of town entirely...

Good luck to fam, it's never too late to turn your life around, but it's also hard to find silver lining when you're 19 and sentenced to 55 years. A third of those teens turn into animals because the thought is they are never getting out, a third of them get exposed for not really being that tough, and the other third humble themselves quickly and avoid alota problems and do decades with little drama...

Tay-K in the third group. He not finna push no gangsta line in prison cause he didn't even push one in county the last two years. He'll eventually give his life to religion and be a mini celebrity, and do his time with little drama, but he got 55 years. Someone gonna test him out at some point, he better respond accordingly. Just speaking from experience, at the same age I was already in prison, I know a TON of cats in that age range who would been licking they chops to test his gangsta...


Jun 23, 2015
Dont get any p*ssy for the rest of ya life brehs


Dak Pickscott

Shout out to Dallas my bih is a star
May 1, 2012
Ethan couch killed like four people and got no time free tay k

T.he I.nformant

1st Ballot HOF Teller
May 3, 2013
Wherever nikkas need to be told on
The Star-Telegram had a quote from someone who called Tay K the most violent teenager he'd ever seen...

Being that there's no proof that the youngin was ever actually beefing with real shooters and killers, I can go down a list of teenagers I knew personally, either when I was on the streets or cats I met in the pen who were convicted as teenagers like myself---->I can literally sit here all day talking about teenagers I knew who were really with the shyts over Tay-K, some of whom I ran with myself:

•there was the robbery crew of 15 and 16 year olds I knew when I was the same age who were sticking shyt...

•there was the lil homie from the hood a couple years younger than me who had a verified body (shooting) and had almost stabbed a nikka to death once, plus countless gang beefs, by the time he turned 18, and didn't get caught for any of it...

•there was the homeboy from an area that was really suburban who had two verified bodies by 17, and not bodies on innocent civilians, bodies on other street cats in street beefs, beat one at trial and was never charged in the other...

•the sociopath Panamanian brother who got caught in gang beefs and went to the job of one of his opps and smoked him and mortally wounded another...

Literally too many nikkas to name....

But I also knew a grip of dudes like Tay-K too, there was a bunch of youngsters sentenced to Life or long sentences like Tay, who wasn't really with the shyts like that:

•the nikkas who killed Chris Paul's grandfather were all teenagers and none of them nikkas were with the shyts...

•the cat who got arrested for a gas station killing at his high school when he was 16, he was the trigger man but he wasn't known for that in the streets. Ironically homeboy turned into an animal in the pen, been locked up since he 16 in '05 and ain't getting out til '45...

•and literally a TON of teenage cats who get caught in bodies that involve multiple people, or cats who were trying too hard to be street, etc...


He 19 and going in the system where literally thousands of nikkas got bodies, thousands of nikkas gonna really be bout that drama between them walls, etc. The wildest nikkas often don't even be the nikkas with bodies (sometimes though a killer is a killer from the streets to the pen). My heart goes out to homeboy for the simple fact I don't think any juvenile deserves more than 20 years for any crime committed, but he made his bed...

I don't think fam is really like that, even the "cutting up" they saying he was doing in county, none of it was no gangsta shyt. I say in county for 10 months before my sentence and even when people said "Rock, they gone bring up your jail record in court", it never registered. I wasn't the wildest teenager in the jails but I was in that muhfukka brawling and hit the hole 3 times in that 10 months, once for fighting, got into gang beefs over who was controlling the weed flow in the block, etc...

Homie hasn't done anything gangsta inside or out and is finna be thrown in a bigger cage with more gangstas and wankstas alike, and I ain't confident dude knows how to navigate those waters. One thing I'll say is almost every teenage boy thinks he with the shyts until they put him around grown men. I don't know if Tarrant County kept youth and adults separate, but in the mid-00s, the jail that committed me in North Carolina didn't have a "juvenile block", if you were charged as an adult, you were in the big boy jails with adults who had similar charges. If you were charged as a juvenile you were sent to juvenile hall which was on a different side of town entirely...

Good luck to fam, it's never too late to turn your life around, but it's also hard to find silver lining when you're 19 and sentenced to 55 years. A third of those teens turn into animals because the thought is they are never getting out, a third of them get exposed for not really being that tough, and the other third humble themselves quickly and avoid alota problems and do decades with little drama...

Tay-K in the third group. He not finna push no gangsta line in prison cause he didn't even push one in county the last two years. He'll eventually give his life to religion and be a mini celebrity, and do his time with little drama, but he got 55 years. Someone gonna test him out at some point, he better respond accordingly. Just speaking from experience, at the same age I was already in prison, I know a TON of cats in that age range who would been licking they chops to test his gangsta...
Name names