Breaking: Obeying Trump order, Air Force will stop teaching recruits about Tuskegee Airmen +BLK history month canceled


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
If something can be easily put in place by a President's executive orders, it can be easily removed by another one's. That is why if we want things to stick, we should be pushing them to be laws, not depend on the mercy of one President's proclimation to the next.

If people do their jobs, he will have 4 years to cause havoc as the President. While that is happing, the Democrats need to be campaigning on issues the people need solutions to and working to put more of themselves in the House and Senate, preparing for the next Presidential election. Grooming up candidates that will have a good chance of defeating the Republican canidate. If they can get the numbers in both the House and Senate, they can then craft into Laws old executive orders they want to protect.

The above would require them to also cease the focus on having wedge issues, but instead focus more on creating and enacting solutions. They do that, then they may just be able to draw more people back into the fold and off the couches next Presidential election.
This fukk nikka here has started to make more sense over the last few days.

I guess MAGA has just done too much to maintain your distant support huh? Regardless, props to you nikka 💪🏾.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
You are kidding yourself if you think this stops with Trump.

Who realistically can MAGA worship when their master Trump is gone? JD Vance? Snobby Trump Jr.

Like the Nazuli Party, there is a reason why Adolf Hitler never had a proper successor to his movement.

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
imagine still blaming the democrats

you are mentally sick, too far gone. Id seek therapy if I was you.

It is the Democrats fault.

DEI was another lift all program which was built off the backs and suffering of FBA's, which DEI was designed to include gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, age, culture, class, religion, or opinion.



May 1, 2012
I'm not going to lie. I didn't see the curveball with this DEI initiative. :manny: I don't agree but understand the notion of not placing emphasis on race, sex, etc. However, cases like the Tuskegee Airman is American History, not DEI. Just like the lipstick line Target dropped that was black owned. They could have kept the product on the shelves and removed the black owned signs. Trump and his conservative machine pulled a pretty slick chess move.
Not putting an emphasis on race. :russ: This type of talk makes me laugh my ass off. Crackers historically fukked us because of race and now its "lets not focus on race" when its shyt that will HELP the black community huh. :russ:

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
If something can be easily put in place by a President's executive orders, it can be easily removed by another one's. That is why if we want things to stick, we should be pushing them to be laws, not depend on the mercy of one President's proclimation to the next.

If people do their jobs, he will have 4 years to cause havoc as the President. While that is happing, the Democrats need to be campaigning on issues the people need solutions to and working to put more of themselves in the House and Senate, preparing for the next Presidential election. Grooming up candidates that will have a good chance of defeating the Republican canidate. If they can get the numbers in both the House and Senate, they can then craft into Laws old executive orders they want to protect.

The above would require them to also cease the focus on having wedge issues, but instead focus more on creating and enacting solutions. They do that, then they may just be able to draw more people back into the fold and off the couches next Presidential election.
The candidates that will be the new face of the democratic party will be determined in local elections.

They all start out as private individuals who then enter politics. The difference is money. Democrats who were lawyers can use a mix of personal funds, donations, and lobby money to get where they need to go.

The thing is that now billionaires like bozos, zuckerberg, musk, etc. Have decided to put their brands behind Trump. If you are a Democrat looking for donors, you are immediately suspect and a non starter if you're funded by one of these guys or defending/softening their actions.

When a politician receives more money from their donors and lobbyists than they do from their base, the priorities of the donors will overtake the priorities of the base. We have seen this happen over and over again with democrats. AIPAC is a perfect example of this. A foreign country has its lobbyists giving millions of dollars to people like John Fetterman who will continue to defend giving your tax money to that country instead of using that tax money to fund programs helping people in his state.

So future candidates will need to really engage with online audiences because through digital crowdfunding, they can raise money from millions of small donors. It's basically how people like Bernie sanders have remained anti wall st. Wall st. Is not funding him so he could not care less what they want him to do. The problem is he has colleagues who are not only funded by wall st, they come FROM wall st.( JB pritzker for example).

Liberals are essentially going to have to take the same playbook that Republicans took and start local. To that end, people who are mad about who is running the government need to redirect their energy into figuring out who is running the school district, who is running the sheriffs office, who is the district attorney, who is in the city council, etc. The power has to come from the root all the way to the top. Lawyers are going to need to keep suing to challenge unconstitutional laws, militias and mutual aid groups will need to double or triple their outreach efforts by increasing their online presence.

The one good thing is that the mask is finally off, we know where these companies stand, we know where the medias bread is buttered now and what theyre afraid of(lawsuits). The appeal that radical conservatives had was that they were anti establishment. Well, now they are the establishment. Joe Rogan is the most listened to podcast. Fox is the most watched news channel. Donald Trump is the president. Republicans are in the supreme court and federal courts. The tech billionaires are Trump supporters now. They have no larger power to rail against and claim they are the alternative to.

If my rent is going up, it's happening under their watch. If the price of groceries is going up, it's happening under their watch. If the price of gas or anything else is going up, it's happening under their watch. They can't act like Trump didn't decide we are now beefing with canada and the cost of everything is going to go up. Biden and other democratic president's never did some dumb shyt like that. He can't deflect and say "but Obama! But Biden!" Nah ngga, youre the one running the ship now and if people prefer it how it was before, it's YOUR fault.