See this is what I mean by grandstanding on bullshyt.Foundational Black Americans need our own lineage-based laws which are not tied in with other groups.
Bothsides are still the same. This is what happens when Foundational Black people are tied into laws with other groups, this is the Democrats fault, no more lift all programs, FBA need our own laws.
“Our own laws”. How?
It's already been firmly established, especially in this political climate that race-specific policies have no chance of being passed, ever, and hypothetically speaking, what you're advocating for is exactly what Trump and his MAGA party would immediately disband, so I'm not sure why you babbling about something in this instance he'd clearly strip away. You'd think he wouldn't touch these Black-only laws you speak of? Shyt that'd be first on his list.
White man not giving Black people our own laws to benefit our well-being. You want that? Gonna have to create a brand new country or land for that because there isn't ever gonna be any Black, FBA (or however you wanna frame it) only laws in a White man's world (America) full of White man's politics, and if there were it's not gonna be laws for our benefit, history of the past already confirms that proven fact.
Those “lift all programs” you despise so much are the only way Black people will ever benefit from anything in this country; regardless of what you or a few others think, y'all have benefitted from them yourself, but now acting like it ain't done shyt for you. That's the only reason why the Civil Rights Bill was able to pass in the 60s. Couldn't label it “THE BLACK/FBA-ONLY Civil Rights Bill,” that shyt would've never passed. Some of y'all daydreaming in Fantasy Land and not living in the reality of what's in front of you and the everlasting obstacles set out for you to fail.
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