I commend the SW governors for establishing Amotekun and standing up against these Herdsman. It's a shame the Eastern and SS governors/leaders can't band together and establish similar solutions. They've sold out to Abuja.
Easterners are disgraceful especially SE politicians. This same behavior is why our region was drained of 1.5 million people during slavery, family selling family for schnapps and trinkets. They have become the new service chiefs. As an igbo person I feel inherently there is a gene of jealously and envy embedded in us since the white man presented himself to the hinterland, there is no true brotherhood/sisterhood. Everyone is self-serving and will take anything even at the detriment of their collective people.
Because the sabos were not disgraced or killed after the Biafran War, everyone including the common man feels embolden to speak against the interest of their people in order to obtain juicy positions and money. This is the blueprint and will continue to be this way, unless an internal shake-up occurs among the elite and politicians.